
Those who surrender the truth to its masters

من سلم الحق إلى أربابه

1. Those who surrender the truth to its masters
Admitting that it is more deserving of it

١. من سلم الحق إلى أربابه
معترفا بأنه أولى به

2. They are the ones who with the light of their intellect found guidance
To enter its house through its door

٢. فهو الذي بنور عقله اهتدى
إلى دخول بيته من بابه

3. What virtue does Ibn Arabi the wise possess
Over the Prophet and what he brought

٣. ما آثر ابن العربي عاقل
على النبي والذي أتى به

4. The Messenger of Allah said about the Lord of the Skies
As you have read in His Book

٤. قال رسول الله عن رب السما
كما قرأتموه في كتابه

5. Do not prostrate to the sun - and Ibn Arabi
Said openly, and what he hinted

٥. لا تسجدوا للشمس وابن عربي
قال مصرحا وما كنى به

6. Rather, prostrate to it and what you have worshipped
Of trees or stones called upon

٦. بل اسجدوا لها وما عبدتم
من شجر أو حجر يدعى به

7. It is God, so for those who have
No sanctity in their claims

٧. فانه الله فمن لديهم
لا قدسوا اصدق في خطابه

8. Is it Allah or this wicked one, woe to them
From the evil of this and its commission

٨. الله أم هذا الخبيث ويلهم
من شر هذا الشر وارتكابه

9. I wonder to see the Shaykh of Shaykhs forgetful
Letting the enemy of his Lord near his door

٩. ما لي أرى شيخ الشيوخ ساهيا
يدني عدو ربه من بابه

10. Do not let what you see of his composure fool you
For all good is in avoiding him

١٠. لا يغررنك ما يرى من سمته
فالخير كل الخير في اجتنابه

11. I seek refuge for him in Allah from honoring me
Who hates the truth among his loved ones

١١. أعيذه بالله من كرماني
يبغض الحق إلى أحبابه

12. He comes between the young man and his religion
And spews poison to whoever is alone with him

١٢. يحول ما بين الفتى ودينه
وينفث السم لمن خلا به

13. Allah between our religion and his
Though he calls to its ruin

١٣. الله بين ديننا ودينه
وإنه يدعو إلى خرابه

14. And the Muslims all cursed him
And all fled from going near him

١٤. وقد قلاه المسلمون كلهم
وكلهم ناءٍ عن اقترابه

15. His religion is the religion of Ibn Arabi
And none among you know more of him than I

١٥. ملته من ملة ابن عربي
وليس منك أحد أدرى به

16. Befriending him risks involving those who befriend him
In suspicion, so refrain from assuming his companionship

١٦. صحبته توقع من يصحبه
في تهمة فاقلع عن استصحابه

17. And do not speak of his name in nearness
To you, for the scholars emulate him

١٧. ولا تنوه باسمه بقربه
منك فان الحبر يقتدي به

18. Let no more of Islam approach you after this
In nearness to what is not in its reckoning

١٨. لا يطرق الإسلام منك بعدها
بقربه ما ليس في حسابه

19. Remove him from your nearness to please our Lord
For his nearness calls to His displeasure

١٩. ابعده عن قربك ترضى ربنا
فقربه داعٍِ إلى إغضابه

20. By Allah, I am an advisor and a warner
From his evil, fearing he will be accused of it

٢٠. والله إنى ناصح ومحذر
من شؤمه من خفت أن يرمى به

21. This which is upon me I have conveyed
Seeking the Most Merciful’s pleasure in it

٢١. هذا الذي علي قد أديته
الهمك الرحمن ما يرضى به