
Ask Saadi for my safety from parting,

خذوا لي من سعدى أمانا من الهجر

1. Ask Saadi for my safety from parting,
For I have no patience to bear the separation of loved ones.

١. خذوا لي من سعدى أمانا من الهجر
فمالي على هجر الأحبة من صبر

2. Parting from Saadi is not easy for me,
So ask her, though my heart is as hard as rock.

٢. وما الهجر من سعدى علي بهين
فاسلو ولا قلبي صفاة من الصخر

3. I complain to God that there is agony in my heart,
So my heart lies on embers above the bed.

٣. إلى الله أشكو أن في القلب لوعة
فقلبي من فوق الفراش على جمر

4. I stay up so my eyelids cannot hold back their tears,
Nor can the intensity of longing cool down in my chest.

٤. أبيت فلا جفني يكف دموعه
ولا غلة الأشواق تبرد من صدري

5. I have not closed my eyes to pray for forgiveness,
Yes I have closed them, but upon tears that flow.

٥. وما غمضت استغفر الله مقلتي
نعم غمضت لكن على دمعة تجري

6. The slanderers have become many and falsely accused me
With talk neither about my essence nor my appearance.

٦. لقد كثر الواشون عني وزوروا
علي حديثا لا ببطني ولا ظهري

7. And they have blocked the path of reconciliation between us,
So she has not accepted me, nor heard my excuse.

٧. وسدوا طريق الصلحي بيني وبينها
فما قبلت مني ولا سمعت عذري

8. Even if they have veiled her from the plains of my sight,
They have not veiled her from my imagination and thought.

٨. لئن حجبوها من مسارح ناظري
فما حجبوها عن خيالي ولا فكري

9. And I trust that Saadi will attain her kindness,
And will carry the loads of her difficulties with patience.

٩. وعهدي بسعدي يدرك الصب عطفها
ويحمل عن مشاقها نوب الصبر

10. Oh how miserable I am! I have perished from agony,
While in her hands lies my benefit and in her hands my harm.

١٠. فوا أسفا مالي هلكت من الأسى
وفي يدها نفعي وفي يدها ضري

11. If only the one I love would have mercy and care for me,
And gain tremendous reward in our union.

١١. هل العيش الا ان يساعدني النوى
بوصلك يا سيدي ويسعدني دهري

12. Ask the night, no, by God, my tears did not stop,
Nor have I tasted the sweetness of sleep until dawn.

١٢. أحن إلى وادى العقيق واهله
كمثل حنين الأم للولد البكر

13. How can sleep taste sweet to a perplexed lover
Who stays up at night, swimming in a sea of thoughts?

١٣. وأذكر أياما حمد لأجلها
زماني وما أنفقت فيها من العمر

14. Perhaps a messenger from you will come with acceptance,
So my heart meets him with good tidings and gladness.

١٤. عسى عطفة منكم يهب نسيمها
وتأتي بلطف الله من حيث لا أدرى

15. Perhaps your short nights will return to me,
And I will spend them between talks and remembrance.

١٥. حملت من الاشجان مالا أطيقه
فيا ليتني حملت فيها على قدري

16. And I will reap the fruits of union from them as they draw near,
Conversations of a sea of longing to another sea.

١٦. فياليت من اهواه يرثى ويرعوي
ويغنم في وصلي عظيما من الأجر

17. And the wine of union has clothed me in intoxication
With which I have become drunk, beyond the drunkenness of wine.

١٧. سلوا الليل لا والله ما كف مدمعي
ولا ذقت طعم النوم فيه إلى الفجر

18. And a night of reproach has passed over us,
During which the tears of my eyes flowed like scattered pearls.

١٨. وكيف يذوق النوم حيران مدنف
يبيت من الأفكار يسبح في بحر

19. Perhaps what grieves me, foolish to the heart, will bring it rest,
And even if it brings no cure to the illness of my chest.

١٩. لعل رسولا منك يقبل بالرضا
فيلقاه قلبي بالبشائر والبشر

20. I hoped for wishes where their promises were to us
About Abul Abbaas, engraved on stone.

٢٠. لعل لياليك القصار تعود لي
فأقطعها بين الأحاديث والذكر

21. When he promises us a promise, our souls take hold
Of that matter with our hands.

٢١. وأجني ثمار الوصل منها وقد دنت
سوالف بحر من مشوق إلى بحر

22. A king close by when his name is called
To good and beauty, far from evil and harm.

٢٢. وقد ألبستني خمرة الوصل نشوة
ثملت بها زادت على نشوة الخمر

23. He pardons the sinner, slow in punishment,
Quick to piety, swift to kindness.

٢٣. ودارت علينا للعتاب سلافة
أفاضت دموع العين كاللؤلؤ النثر

24. Generous, he surpasses the wind in reaching high,
And rains upon the meadows his abundant downpour.

٢٤. عسى مالتعس سفيه للقلب راحة
وان لم يكن فيه شفى علة الصدر

25. The deputy of the Lord of the Worlds, His trusted one
Over the secret in the affair of creation openly and privately.

٢٥. رجوت الأماني حيث كانت وعودها
لنا عن أبي العباس نقشا على صخر

26. He protects the true religion and its people
With a white Indian sword and a brown strapped sword.

٢٦. إذا وعد تنا عنه وعدا نفوسنا
قبضنا بأيدينا على ذلك الأمر

27. He helps the cause of God in it and has never ceased
To set out morning and evening for fortitude and victory.

٢٧. مليك قريب حين يهتف باسمه
إلى الخير والحسني بعيد من الشر

28. He established the canal of truth after its winding,
And erected pillars of glory and pride.

٢٨. صفوح عن الجاني بطيء عقابه
عجول إلى التقوى سريع إلى البر

29. He founded gifts of delegation in positions of height,
And attached the fruitful ones among us, people of poverty.

٢٩. جواد يفوت الريح سبقا إلى العلا
ويزري على الأنوا بنائله الغمر

30. And he took a stance that God knows is the stance
Of a trustee who won praise and reward.

٣٠. خليفة رب العالمين أمينه
على السر في أمر الخلائق والجهر

31. Hearing, answering the prayer of a servant when he prays,
Generous, He replaces hardship with ease.

٣١. يحامي عن الدين الحنيف وأهله
بهندية بيض وخطية سمر

32. He has filled leadership of the people, undertaken
Reforming those among them from desert and urban areas.

٣٢. وينصر أمر الله فيها ولم يزل
يورح ويغدو في الكلاءة والنصر

33. So at times he draws near with favor and gentleness,
And at times distances with sternness and rebuke.

٣٣. أقام قناة الحق بعد اعوجاجها
وشيد أركانا من المجد والفخر

34. He decides but does not act on passion, and deters but not out of whim;
Rather, it is a judgement that flows on its judgement.

٣٤. وأنشا عطايا الوفد من رتب العلا
وألحق بالمثرين منا ذوي الفقر

35. Merciful, so not harsh toward them,
Compassionate with them, more careful than a gracious father.

٣٥. وقام مقاما يعلم الله أنه
مقام أمين فاز بالحمد والأجر

36. His hands remain outstretched with his provision
While his schemes against enemies run their course by night.

٣٦. سميع مجيب دعوة العبد إذ دعا
جواد كريم يبدل العسر باليسر

37. So they kill them without his sword of Saud,
And seize them with his opinions, like one who overpowers.

٣٧. ملي بإرشاد الورى متكفل
بإصلاح من بالبدو منهم وبالحضر

38. His opinion alone suffices his enemies against his armies,
For his opinions make armies unnecessary.

٣٨. فطورا بتقريب ونوع من الرضا
وطورا بابعاد ونوع من الزجر

39. Whoever has God's victory as leader of his army,
Does not worry about numbers in battle.

٣٩. فيقضي ولا يفعل ويدلي ولا هوى
ولكنه حكم على حكمه يجري

40. In the Most Noble Sultan, God has an argument
Established over the people of misguidance and disbelief.

٤٠. رحيم فلا فظ غليظ عليهم
شفيق بهم أحفى من الوالد البر

41. Do you not see how he turns away from his enemy
And entrusts the whole matter to God, the Disposer of affairs?

٤١. تظل أياديه تشير برفده
وتمسي إلى الأعدا مكائده تسرى

42. And how God has sufficed him against what he feared
And averted evil from him from every evildoer?

٤٢. فتقتلهم من غير سيف سعوده
وتاخذهم آراؤه أخذ ذى قهر

43. His opinion alone suffices his enemies against his armies,
For his opinions make armies unnecessary.

٤٣. كفى رأيه أعداءه عن جيوشه
فآراؤه تغنى عن العسكر المجر

44. Whoever has God's victory as leader of his army,
Does not worry about numbers in battle.

٤٤. ومن كان نصر الله قائد جيشه
إلى الحرب لم يحفل بزيد ولا عمرو

45. In the Most Noble Sultan, God has an argument
Established over the people of misguidance and disbelief.

٤٥. وفي الأشرف السلطان لله حجة
تقام على أهل الضلالة والكفر

46. Do you not see how he turns away from his enemy
And entrusts the whole matter to God, the Disposer of affairs?

٤٦. ألست ترى إعراضه عن عدوه
وتسليم كل الأمر لله ذى الأمر

47. And how God has sufficed him against what he feared
And averted evil from him from every evildoer?

٤٧. وكيف كفاه الله ما كان يتقى
واطفا عنه الشر من كل ذى شر

48. So O King who paves the way,
From a son of worries and needs of reflection!

٤٨. فيا أيها الملك الممهد دعوة
من ابن هموم محوجات إلى الفكر ط

49. We love you with a love that if some of it
Were divided upon the Creator, no wrongdoing would be found in any place.

٤٩. نحبك حبا لو تقسم بعضه
على الخالق لم يوجد عدوان في قطر

50. And one would wear from your favors the garments of honor
In which the walker would wander boastfully in pride.

٥٠. ويلبس من نعماك أثواب عزة
يتيه بها الماشي ويزهو من الكبر

51. I have come to you while the events of nights engulf me,
Cast down, neither flowing nor swimming.

٥١. أتاك وأحداث الليالي محيطة
به وهو ملقى ليس يجرى ولا يمري

52. And I have been cast down from atop joy to the earth,
So I have met it as the pen meets the fingertip.

٥٢. وقد رد من فوق الثريا إلى الثرى
فالقى كما يلقي القلام من الظفر

53. And I have woken having had my wings clipped, blaming
My disappointment in the one I hoped would grant me victory.

٥٣. وأصبح مقصوص الجناحين ينتمي
لخذلانه من كان يرجوه للنصر

54. I extend the hand of hopeful wishing, flattering myself
To attain my hopes from you, O Healer of Breakage.

٥٤. يمد يد الراجي المحدث نفسه
بنيل الأماني منك يا جبر الكسر

55. Perhaps you will have compassion for my defeat and humiliation,
And will attain my recovery and mending with healing.

٥٥. لعلك ترثي لانكساري وذلتي
وتدرك كسرى وانصداعي بالجبر

56. So how much delight from others and me there has been through you!
And how many hopes of poverty I have toward you!

٥٦. فكم بك عن غيري وعني من غنا
وكم لي آمال إليك من الفقر

57. I hope, O Abul Abbaas, that my spring will tremble
And its highest points will be clothed in green leaves.

٥٧. عسى يا أبا العباس تهتز نبعتي
وتكسو أعاليها من الورق الخضر

58. For I am a plant planted by your hand, you planted me
And clothed me in favors by which you raised my worth.

٥٨. فاني غرس في نداك غرستني
والبستني نعما رفعت بها قدري

59. Shall I fear that praising your existence is blasphemy,
When in every abode of it there is a flowing spout?

٥٩. أأخشى بأن أظما وجودك كوثر
وفي كل دار منه ساقية تجرى

60. I seek refuge in God and the generosity which you are worthy of,
For it is neither a trivial nor paltry thing.

٦٠. ابي الله والجود الذي أنت أهله
فما هو بالشيء الزهيد ولا النزر