1. Whoever imitates knowledge and proceeds rashly
And upon the one who issued the verdict falls the blame for what was objected to
١. من قلد العلما واقدم أعذرا
وعلى الذي أفتاه عهدة ما اعترى
2. Indeed the witnesses who resorted to the judge
Their implications followed them while the judge is innocent
٢. إن الشهود الملجئين إلى القضا
تبعتهم التبعات والقاضي برا
3. You implemented what they said while you are an imitator
So you came with good and they came with evil
٣. أمضيت ما قالوا وأنت مقلد
فأتيت معروفا وجاؤا منكرا
4. They issued verdicts so the thorns in them were their fortune
While you reaped them fresh, ripe, with goodness
٤. افتوا فكان الشوك فيها حظهم
وجنيته رطبا هنيئاً ذو مرا
5. They came with what they came with while you are innocent
Of what you carried from the one who carried and fabricated
٥. باؤا بما باؤا وأنت مبرأ
مما تحمل من تحمل وافترى
6. God protected their honor by your exposure of them
For you is that protected honor and purity
٦. صان الإله بهتكم اعراضهم
لك ذلك العرض المصون وطهرا
7. O king, the neighbor, firm
Whose closeness is feared by whoever transgressed
٧. يا أيها الملك المجاور عامدا
جدا يهاب القرب منه من اجترى
8. The sword is more truthful in speech, it deceives with guidance
And with the one upon it thus purified
٨. السيف أصدق قلت يغري بالهدى
وبمن عليه هكذا متطهرا
9. Not from the god of the people, ashamed, nor
From them nor from those I met among mankind
٩. لا من إله القوم مستحيى ولا
منهم ولا ممن لقيت من الورى
10. You sold guidance and took misguidance in exchange
Excellent is the sale and miserable is that buyer
١٠. بعت الهدى واعتضت منه ضلالة
نعم المبيع وبئس ذاك المشترى
11. At the edge of the grave you stood selling it
And if you sought immortality through it, you would come together
١١. أعلى شفير القبر قمت تبيعه
ولو استعضت به الخلود لتحشرا
12. And you claimed that everything they said
Has an interpretation that one who has read can interpret it with
١٢. وزعمت أن لكل ما قالوا به
وجها يؤوله به من قد قرا
13. Firstly, God has said and created
Everything leads to the Builder, so it is exposed
١٣. أول فقد قال الإله وخلقه
كل إلى الباني به فقد عرا
14. They said, we need Him just as He needs us
And He sees virtue in us over Him just as we see
١٤. يحتاجنا قالوا كما نحتاجه
ويرى لنا فضلا عليه كما نرى
15. And other tribulations and more monstrous things they said
That you do not need to be reminded of
١٥. ومصائب أخرى وأشنع قالها
ما أنت محتاج إلى أن تذكرا
16. If they deny this then those are their crimes
From which every reprehensible face turns dark
١٦. إن انكروا هذا فتلك فصوصهم
يسود منها كل وجه أنكرا
17. And you claimed that between you is a convention for each thing said
With a meaning for eternity and another for another
١٧. وزعمت أن له اصطلاحا بينكم
أبدا به معنى وأخرى أخرا
18. So if disbelief appears for what was said
Then Islam in it has certainly diminished and withered
١٨. فالكفر إن يظهر على ما قاله
فلقد خبا الإسلام فيه واضمرا