1. I have fulfilled the promised fate for the enemies,
And cured the ills of souls from stinginess.
١. انجزت في الأعداء ميعاد المنى
وشفيت أمراض النفوس من الضنا
2. And I have attacked them with battalions, if only they
Had attacked the turns of fate, it would have toppled what was built.
٢. ودهمتهم بكتائب لو أنها
دهمت صروف الدهر هدت ما بنى
3. Nothing alarmed them but the shining swords
That gleam in the meadows beneath the intertwined spearheads.
٣. ما راعهم إلا السيوف مليحة
في النقع تبرق تحت مشتبك القنا
4. And the horses that strike them with death blows
While death comes to them from here and from there.
٤. والخيل تقرع بالمنايا نحوهم
والموت يأتي من هناك ومن هنا
5. They sought escape but their escape eluded them,
Alas, death was already close to them.
٥. طلبوا الفرار ولات حين فرارهم
هيهاتهم والموت منهم قد دنا
6. So they called on you, waiting for your mercy
That has encompassed the evildoer and the benevolent.
٦. فدعوك ينتظرون رحمتك التي
وسع المسييء محالها والمحسنا
7. And Al-Musharrifah kept collapsing onto them
With bloodshed as the cups of death circulated.
٧. والمشرفية قد تداعت فيهم
سفكا وقد دارت بكاسات الفنا
8. And you held back the hand of God's torment from them
When destruction was deserved and possible.
٨. وكففت كف الله عنك يد الأذى
عنهم وقد حق الهلاك وأمكنا
9. After I quenched my thirst with the water of cockiness
And the slaughter of the white antelopes.
٩. من بعد ما أرويت من ماء الطلا
بيض الظبا وفتكت فتكا بينا
10. They have all fallen, O King, a terrible fall,
Far more shameful than they were steeped in pleasure.
١٠. وقعوا عداك أيا مليك وقيعة
شنعاء كانوا قبل عنها في غنا
11. They thought their disgrace would protect them
From the might of your hand, so they took our humbleness lightly.
١١. ظنوا هوانهم عليك يجيرهم
من بأس كفك فاستغروا بالدنا
12. Even if they seriously sought asylum from you,
Jesting with the likes of them would not make them safe.
١٢. هب أنهم بالجد منك استأمنوا
فالهزل منك بمثلهم لن يؤمنا
13. For hunting is the habit of kings, and sometimes
Some of the game may be more worthless.
١٣. فالصيد من دأب الملوك وربما
قد كان بعض الصيد منهم أهونا
14. They were ignorant and did not learn, so they became
A lesson that ignorance is a terrible possession.
١٤. جهلوا وما اعتبروا فصاروا عبرة
تنبي بأن الجهل بئس المقتنى
15. O You the paved King, who
Remains an impregnable fortress for Islam.
١٥. يا أيها الملك الممهد والذي
ما زال لاسلام حصنا محصنا
16. The face of the religion beamed where you spoke its words
And supported it with a victory that delighted the eyes.
١٦. بيضت وجه الدين حيث كلاته
ونصرته نصراً أقر الأعينا
17. My soul is yours for sacrifice, shining
Secretly with love for you, openly declared.
١٧. نفسي فداؤك في الفؤاد لبانة
سرا اباح بها إليك وأعلنا
18. None of your servants have you given
A nostril the permission to serve except me.
١٨. ما في عبيدك واحد لم تعطه
أنفا اجازة خدمة إلا أنا
19. I still live in lasting joy
And whoever comes is met with delight.
١٩. لا زلت في عيش يدوم سروره
ابدا ومن يأتي يقابل بالهنا