
He who was granted his wish by his Lord

من فتى أعطاه موليه المنى

1. He who was granted his wish by his Lord
And was spared what pained him, drew near.

١. من فتى أعطاه موليه المنى
وكفاه ما عناه فدنا

2. You, best of creation, are most deserving
To enlarge him, O Saladin, with praise and grace.

٢. أنت أولى الخلق أن توسعه
يا صلاح الدين حمدا وثنا

3. From the Lord of the heavens, each day
Are favors that cannot be counted, we mention but a few.

٣. كل يوم لك من رب السما
منن لم تحص تتلو مننا

4. Though matters grow grave, He will make them pass, and if
Called "O Ahmad", at once they are slight.

٤. يعظم الخطب ويطفي فإذا
قيل يا أحمد أضحى هينا

5. Success is granted to you,
Wherever you turn, you attain support.

٥. إنه التوفيق قد أعطيته
أينما وجهت أدركت منا

6. Do not fear, for God is your Guardian, and he
For whom God is a Guardian, is secured.

٦. لا تخف فالله مولاك ومن
يك لله وليا أمنا

7. You stood for God, to set right those
Who corrupted the earth, an excellent standing.

٧. قمت في الله لكي تصلح من
أفسد في الأرض قياما حسنا

8. You sold the vain life for effort, and he
Who does not sell vainness, finds loss.

٨. بعت لهو العيش بالجد ومن
لم يبع لهوا يجد غبنا