1. Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds
For a companion who stayed, and a lonely one who left
١. الحمدُ لِلّه ربِّ العالمين على
أنس أقام ووحشٍ ساكن رحَلا
2. And an arrival who came after waiting
To take from us the place of healing and remove all ailments
٢. ومقدم حل بّعد الانتظار له
منا محل الشفاء المذهب العللا
3. Honor his arrival, happiness is now complete
For all people, worries and fears are gone
٣. أكرمْ به مقدماً تمّ السرور بهِ
على الأنام وجلاّ الهمَّ والوجَلا
4. He has come, for whom you had no free neck
That was not indebted to his grace with a rope
٤. جاء الذي ما فتى منكم له عنقٍ
إلاّ مقلده من فضلهِ بحِلا
5. Fast, pray, and fulfill your vows together
This is the son of Ahmed Ismail who has entered
٥. صوموا وصولا وأوفوا بالنذور معاً
هذا ابن أحمد إسماعيل قَد دخلا
6. You asked Allah before today to see him
So does anyone remain today who was not given what he asked?
٦. سألتم الله قبل اليوم رؤيتهُ
فهل بقى اليوم من لم يعطَ ما سألا
7. No house remains, neither female nor male
Except to receive you blessed for what you have done
٧. لم يبق دارٌ بها أنثى ولا رجلٌ
إلا تلقّاك ماجوراً بما فَعِلا
8. We gifted them favors from us, so they received you with them
And in receiving, the reward of gratitude was obtained
٨. قلدتهم مننا فاستقبلوك بها
وبالتلقى أجر الشكر قد حصلا
9. People loved you until they had no other concern
Except praise and prayer, honor such concern
٩. أحبّكَ الخلقُ حتى مالهم شغلٌ
إِلاّ الثنَا والدعا أكرِم به شغلا
10. The King has no joy except to gain through it
A love that makes you happy about his family when they pass
١٠. ما لذَهُ الملكِ إلاّ أن تنال به
حباً يسرك عن أهليه ما انتقلا
11. For lovers there is a moment they never see
Except good traits and the description that is complete
١١. فللمحبين لحظٌ لا يرى أبداً
إِلا المحاسنَ والوصف الذي كمُلا
12. There is no face more beautiful than one with generosity
Yours is most beautiful, so receive it hopeful
١٢. لا وجهَ أحسنُ من وجهِ لذى كرمٍ
إِليك أَحسن فاستقبلهُ مُبْتهلا
13. Fortify your enemies by pleasing God, for nothing
Pleases Him more than a just king in the land
١٣. أغظ عِداكَ بارضاءِ الإِله فما
يرضيه مثل مليكٍ في الوري عَدلا
14. And do not obey every slanderer who fools you
With his lies, envious of people, lacking reason
١٤. ولا تطعْ كل همّازٍ يغركمُ
بزوره حاسداً للخلق ما عَقلا
15. He wanted to adorn himself with manners
That were never found in him through action
١٥. أراد أن يتحلّى من طبائعهِ
بشيمةٍ لم تلقَ الاّ به عملا
16. You have overcome Satan, so he called with his youth
To support him against you after he was disgraced
١٦. غلبتَ إبليس فاستدعى بفتيتهِ
لينصروه عليكم بعد ما خُذلا
17. It enraged him that favor from you overwhelmed them
And that your records were filled with reward
١٧. أغاظه أن فضلاً منك عمهمُ
وأن صحفك امست بالثواب ملا
18. If what was said of excessive grace was true
That destiny allowed in reducing what was conveyed
١٨. لو صحَّ ما قيل من إفراط ما سمحتْ
بهِ المقاديَرُ في تخفيف ما نقلا
19. You would be more generous than one who reclaims a gift
That encompassed the land, your favor has included all
١٩. لكنتَ أكرم ممن يستعيد عطاً
عمَّ البرايا وفضلاً منك قد شملا
20. Good mention and lasting reward together
Are better than wealth that does not remain, even if plentiful
٢٠. ذكرٌ جميلٌ وأجرُ باقيان معاً
خيرٌ من المال لا يبقى وإِن جزلا
21. What is this great blessing you have attained
Do not be deceived by it, and realize the hopes
٢١. ما هذه النعمةُ العظما ظفرت بها
لا تخدعنَّ عليها وابلغِ الاملا
22. You have walked a path without crookedness
Whoever travels it will reach the Lord of the heavens
٢٢. لقد مشيت طريقاً ما بها عوجٌ
من سار فيها إلى رب السما وصلا
23. Praise be to God, we have seen with our eyes
What ears would not believe if conveyed
٢٣. الحمدُ لِلّه أبصرْنا بأعيننا
ما لم تصدق به الأسماع لو نُقلا
24. So for the son of Ahmed there are actions correcting
Everything said of excellence over excellence
٢٤. فلابن أحمدَ افعالٌ مصححةٌ
لكل ما قيل من فضل عن الفُضلا
25. We saw them as dated myths
Today they are proven and we saw what he did
٢٥. كنا نراها خرافاتٍ مؤرخة
فاليومَ صحّت وأبصرنا الذي فعلا
26. He erased the name of Chosroes with his balanced name
Diverting to him, not Chosroes, the example is struck
٢٦. محى اسم كسرى بإسماعيل معدله
صرفاً به لا بكسرى يضربُ المثلا
27. Justice is the honored trait exclusive to kings
And you are the best Sultan in practicing it
٢٧. العدلُ مكرمةُ خُص الملوك به
وأنت أفضلُ سلطان به عِملا
28. You have a reward for justice that no man shares with you
Among the rewards of people when distributed
٢٨. لكم على العدل أجر لا يشارككم
فيه امرؤ بأجور الناس قد عدلا
29. And justice is hard for one with no conviction
Without perfect conviction in you it would not have been easy
٢٩. والعدل صعبٌ على من لا يقين له
لولا كمال يقين فيك ما سهلا
30. Be patient with it, tomorrow its bitterness will be sweet
In taste, and the crooked will sacrifice for the upright
٣٠. اصبرْ له فغداً تحلو مراراته
طعماً ويضحي به ما اعوّج معتدلا
31. Treat people with it, and their Creator will be pleased with you
A pleasure that will bring you good continuously
٣١. عاملْ به الخلق يرضى عنك خالقُهم
رضاً يوالي عَليك الخير متصلا
32. To God be praise, He treats it with hidden kindness
And tribulations that came suddenly
٣٢. لله سبحانه يمنٌ يعامله
لطفٌ خفيٌّ وغاراتٌ أتت عجلا
33. Welcome Ismail, from a kingdom
Of God's lands, pleasing to all worlds, no less
٣٣. أهلاً وسهلاً بإسماعيل من ملك
أراضي الإله وارضى العالمين ولا
34. From His kingdom, by the hand of the Creator managing it
For what He saw in him fully relying
٣٤. من ملكه بيد البارى يدبره
لما رآه عليه فيه مُتّكِلا
35. You have sufficed, and does one fear waste upon
A matter guaranteed for you by the Lord of the Throne
٣٥. لقد كفيت وهل يخشى الفواتٌ على
أمر به لك رب العرش قد كَفلا
36. Trust in God, and do not let misfortune occupy you
For your Lord has carried evil away from you
٣٦. ثق بالإِله ولا تشغلك حادئة
فان ربّك عنك السوءَ قد حَملا
37. You see crises only so He can show you through them
His gentleness was not lost in His slow reveal
٣٧. فما ترى الخطب إلا كي يريك به
ما لطفه ضائع في كشفه مَهلا
38. God truly has actions in His wisdom
So the servant may know from them what he did not know
٣٨. وانّ لله أفعالاً بحكمته
تقضي ليعلم منها العبدُ ما جَهلا
39. Whatever portion comes, it is from this, so bring it close
A fountain, and sleep safely, fearing no deficiency
٣٩. فما جزا فهو من هذا فقرَّبه
عيناً ونمْ آمنا لا تختشى خَللا
40. And remember your God and thank Him for a deed
That pleased Him from you and pleased all kings
٤٠. واذكر إلهك واشكرهُ على عملٍ
أرضاه منك وأرضى عنك كل ملا