
O you who are guided by the Imamate, how can you

على من بالهدى يا ابن الإمامه

1. O you who are guided by the Imamate, how can you
Be tranquil while your tribe is being wronged?

١. على من بالهدى يا ابن الإمامه
تحيل ومن بعصبته المضامه

2. Will you one day renounce your fatherhood
And kinship and womb relations awaken?

٢. أتستلقى الأبوة عنه يوما
وتنتبه القرابة والرحامه

3. If you do not protect the cub of a gazelle
Will you protect the ostriches in the wilderness?

٣. إذا لم يحم عن شبل هزبر
أتحمي عن أداحيها النعامه

4. And none but you has God entrusted with this
So do not feel secure in a feeding ground.

٤. وما ائتمن الإله سواك فيه
فلا تأمن على مرعى مسامه

5. Islam complained of a people who struck it
With nonsense and claimed leadership over it.

٥. شكا الإسلام من قوم رموه
بافك وادعوا فيه الزعامه

6. And it said may God not reward their leader well
Or let him see his bones after death.

٦. وقال فلا جزاه الله خيرا
زعيمهم ولا رؤى عظامه

7. Saying that worshipping idols is right
And that each idol has prestige.

٧. بأن عبادة الأصنام حق
وإن لكل معبود كرامه

8. And that God is known through men
And they have no mark by which to know Him.

٨. وأن الله تعرفه رجال
وليس لهم فيعرفهم علامه

9. And it said whoever wishes among us
Can make for himself a god if he wishes

٩. وقال لأنه من شاء منا
يقيم بنفسه ربا أقامه

10. And know it though the building knows not
Its builder, how mighty is its defiance!

١٠. فيعرفه وما المبنى يدرى
ببانيه فما أقوى اقتحامه

11. It pronounces unashamedly the nullification
That makes lawful for you to destroy it.

١١. يصرح فوه فض الله فاه
بتعطيل يبيح لك اصطلامه

12. So beware of it and curse it to please
The Creator for its protective covering has torn.

١٢. فحذر منه والعنه لترضى
به البارى فقد بارى ذمامه

13. By God, none praises it
Except a fool or a cursed villain

١٣. فلا والله ما يثنى عليه
سوى رجلين اما ذو سلامه

14. Who vilifies - so it rides whatever is in front of it.
Will you praise one who says I have made my God

١٤. غبي أو شويطين رجيم
تزندق فهو يركب ما أمامه

15. Upon him be God's eternal curse.
For by praising him you invite

١٥. أتحمد من يقول صنعت ربي
عليه لعنة الله المدامه

16. Others to worship idols.
For worshipping idols is a thing

١٦. فإنك بالثناء عليه تدعو
الا ان تعبد الصور المقامه

17. You see as the best path of righteousness.
Did you not see how it responded to the words of Noah

١٧. لان عبادة الأصنام شيء
تراهم خير طرق الاستقامه

18. So how much blame did it attract from the lamenter.
And as for the people of Hud, it said they succeeded

١٨. ألم تر رده لمقال نوح
فكم في ذمه ليغوث لامه

19. In what they knew in the house of eternity.
And it denied the curse which followed them

١٩. واما قوم هود قال فازوا
بما علموه في دار المقامه

20. In the world and on Judgement Day.
So men rose for their Lord against it

٢٠. وانكر لعنة قد اتبعوها
على الدنيا وفي يوم القيامه

21. And they had truth and steadfastness.
Grant victory for His religion over its enemies

٢١. فقام لربهم منا رجال
لهم فيه على الحق استقامه

22. And they took a stand in its misguidance.
So we said to be fair ask about this

٢٢. وهب لنصر ملته عداه
وقاموا في ضلالته مقامه

23. The people of knowledge and examine its words.
The righteous did not hesitate

٢٣. فقلنا منصفين سلوا بهذا
رجال العلم تنتقدوا كلامه

24. Or say we fear blame.
And they issued the judgement they knew and feared

٢٤. فاما الصالحون فما تلكوا
ولا قالوا نخاف من الملامه

25. A threat that reached the one pleased with its concealment.
As for others they shepherded matters

٢٥. وافتوا بالذي علموا وخافوا
وعيداً نال من رضى اكتتامه

26. And preferred them over Judgement Day.
And Sheikh Ahmad said to me my friend

٢٦. واما غيرهم فرعى أمورا
وآثرها على يوم القيامه

27. And everyone who neglects peace with him.
So I said God is more deserving than your friend

٢٧. وقال الشيخ أحمد لي صديق
وكل منه يفرط بالسلامه

28. Of precedence and honor.
Will you please him by angering God in ignorance

٢٨. فقلت الله عند سواك أولى
وأجدر من صديقك بالكرامه

29. And feel safe from your Lord's cunning and vengeance?
Your friend may die while you live

٢٩. أترضيه بسخط الله جهلا
وتأمن مكر ربك وانتقامه

30. Or live but deprive you of his care.
The day is not equal in weight

٣٠. صديقك قد يموت وأنت حي
وقد يبقى فيحرمك اهتمامه

31. To an atom of disgrace and sin.
What principles will remain if you are stripped

٣١. نهار الشرق ليس يقوم وزنا
بقيراط الفضيحة والسخامه

32. Of religion and its people - what mark will remain?
Over a world too distant for you to see it

٣٢. من الدين انسخلت ومن ذويه
علام حصلت بعدهما علامه

33. And if attained it is not worth a wound.
You have been excessive in wronging yourself

٣٣. على دنيا بعيد ان تراها
وان حصلت فما تسوى قلامه

34. Unless you correct the darkness.
A people will laugh at you when you weep

٣٤. لقد أسرفت في ظلم لنفس
لديك الا تداركت الظلامه

35. And regret when regret will not avail.
You heard the protected's every depravity

٣٥. ستبكي حين يضحك منك قوم
وتندم حين لا تغني الندامه

36. And shared in that smile.
And your selves did not disdain in God's cause

٣٦. سمعتم في المهيمن كل موذ
وشاركتم بتلك الابتسامه

37. Nor did any man of you grieve his protector.
No by God I will not claim victory

٣٧. ولم تأنف لكم في الله نفس
ولا حسر امرؤ منكم لثامه

38. For my religion or see my day as a battlefield.
Even if I were alone amongst enemies

٣٨. فلا والله لا ادع انتصارا
لديني أو يرى يومي حمامه

39. The fingers can protect against wounds.

٣٩. وإن أك مفردا بين الأعادي
فقد تحمي البنانة بالقلامه