1. The Difference Between Disbelief and Faith
Brought by the verses in the Quran
١. الفرق بين الكفر والإيمان
جاءت به الآيات في القرآن
2. So read, if you wish, say O you
You will find one who humiliates the tyrants
٢. فاقرا إذا ما شئت قل يا ايها
تجد الذي يخزي ذوي الطغيان
3. And you will see the worship of our Lord the Glorious
In the text, not the worship of idols
٣. وترى عبادة ربنا سبحانه
بالنص غير عبادة الآوثان
4. And I have heard you, O Ibn Rubbak recounting
About them in the council of the Sultan
٤. ولقد سمعتك يا بان روبك حاكيا
عن هؤلاء بمجلس السلطان
5. That the one who took stones as his god
And fire, trees and the two moons
٥. إن الذي جعل الحجارة ربه
والنار والأشجار والقمران
6. Is like the one who took the Omnipotent as his God
In judgment, according to them without distinction
٦. مثل الذي جعل المهيمن ربه
في الحكم عندهم بلا فرقان
7. They said because all worship their gods
With the right of worship, not a second god
٧. قالوا لن الكل يعبد من ربه
حق العبادة لا إلهاً ثاني
8. So their understanding of the name, as you said
Not of the one God, the Beneficent
٨. فخلا فهم في الاسم فيما قلته
لا في الإله الواحد المنان
9. So you made the word of God and His messengers
Futile and the recitation of the Quran
٩. فجعلتهم قول الإله ورسله
عبثاً وما يتلى من القرآن
10. And He has indeed forbidden you from worshiping others
Repeatedly, O two burdens
١٠. ولقد نهاكم عن عبادة غيرة
نهياً تكرر أيها الثقلان
11. He never stops forbidding you from associating
Anything with God, O great tyrants
١١. ما زال ينهاكم بأن لا تشركوا
بالله شيئاً يا أولي الطغيان
12. Yet you turned away from Him and said what happened
Is not polytheism, nor is polytheism found
١٢. فصددتم عنه وقلتم ما جرى
شرك ولا للشرك من وجدان
13. Upon you is the curse of God, His messengers
And all Muslims, with every tongue
١٣. فعليكم لعن الإله ورسله
والمسلمين معاً بكل لسان
14. They left the words of God, then His messenger
For the saying of Ibn Arabi, the seducer
١٤. تركوا كلام الله ثم رسوله
لمقالة ابن العربي الفتان
15. I did not think you, O Ibn Rubbak, would transmit their words
Except as an angry, resentful narrator
١٥. ما كنت تروي يا ابن روبك قولهم
إلا رواية منكر غضبان
16. For standing against God angrily
Pretending with the generosity of the generous
١٦. فعلى ما قمت على الإله معصبا
متظاهراً بكرامة الكرمان
17. By God, you did not take the matter lightly
And you violated the sanctuaries of the Merciful
١٧. والله ما استسهلت أمرا هينا
وقد انتهكت محارم الرحمن
18. I never thought your religion was their religion
Ever, nor believed other than now
١٨. ما كنت أحسب أن دينك دينهم
أبدا ولا صدقت غير الآن
19. You have angered your Lord, pleasing His enemies
Oh, how evil is that you substituted for faith
١٩. أسخطت ربك مرضيا أعداءه
يا بئس ما استبدلت بالإيمان
20. God is more worthy of the rights He charged you with
And you thanked Him for acts of kindness
٢٠. الله أولى من رعيت حقوقه
وشكرت منه مواقع الإِحسان
21. Do not get close to Him, and by God, He will distance you, and do not
Elevate Him and lower Him to the abode of disgrace
٢١. لا تدنه والله يبعده ولا
ترفعه وانزله بدار هوان
22. Return, you are guided from misguidance to guidance
And take up a religion not like other religions
٢٢. ارجع هديت عن الضلال إلى الهدى
واستبق دينا ليس كالأديان
23. And if you refuse, follow his footsteps
And accept the company of Satan's allies
٢٣. وإذا أبيت سوى اقتفا آثاره
ورضيت صحبة أوليا الشيطان
24. Then you have procured for yourself what will harm you soon
For you have seen the death of young men
٢٤. فارقت لنفسك ما يسوءك عاجلا
فلقد رأيت مصارع الفتيان
25. God will not care for you if you support His enemy
And make light of the sleeping lion
٢٥. ما الله عنك إذا نصرت عدوه
ساه ولا بالنائم الوسنان
26. Tomorrow you will see the ill omens of his neighborhood
That empty the homes of inhabitants
٢٦. فغداً ترى آثار شوم جواره
تخلو الديار بها من السكان
27. And you claimed that I was pleased with his murder
And hastened to do so without wavering
٢٧. وزعمت أني كنت أرضى قتله
وسعيت لا وان ولا متواني
28. You thought I was hiding my hatred of him
So you wanted to expose what delighted my soul
٢٨. أظننتني في بغضه متسترا
فأردت تظهر ما يسر جناني
29. God knows if I was able and he did not repent
I would have slaughtered him to the ears
٢٩. الله يعلم لو قدرت ولم يتب
لذبحته بيدي إلى الآذان
30. And I would have offered to God his closeness
A counted one of the greatest offerings
٣٠. ولكنت ألقى الله منه بقربة
معدودة من أعظم القربان
31. In killing him is atonement for your sins
O riders of sin's hindrances
٣١. في قتله كفارة لذنوبكم
يا راكبين بوائق العصيان
32. O group of scholars, is there someone
To champion God at any time?
٣٢. يا معشر العلماء هل من ناصر
لله في حين من الأحيان
33. This is God's enemy among you
Reciting Al-Fusus like the Quran
٣٣. هذا عدو الله بين ظهوركم
يقرا الفصوص قراءة القرآن
34. Then Ibn Rubbak standing behind him
And deceiving the Sultan with poetry
٣٤. ثم ابن روبك قائم من دونه
ومخادع بالشعر للسلطان
35. Pray for guidance for him, Ibn Rubbak
And save him from disbelief with it
٣٥. ادعوا له أعنى ابن روبك بالهدى
واستنقذوه به من الكفران
36. He claims, making you think you are his enemies
So that he believes you to be adversaries
٣٦. قد قال يوهم أنكم أعداؤه
حتى يظن بأنكم خصمان
37. Disputing, so neither of you believes
What the other has said about the other
٣٧. متنازعان فلا يصدق واحد
منكم على ما قاله في الثاني
38. God knows that you are his enemies
Is there any injustice in truth?
٣٨. الله يعلم أنكم أعداؤه
والحق هل في الحق من عدوان
39. The jurists denied only what should be denied
They knew it by the Quran and the proof
٣٩. ما أنكر الفقهاء إلا منكرا
علموه بالقرآن والبرهان
40. Ibn Rubbak claimed that the Sufis
Are mystics, while you are opposites
٤٠. زعم ابن روبك أن كرمانيه
متصوف أنتم وهو ضدان
41. The people of Sufism are the people of Muhammad's religion
They are the friends of the Merciful in truth
٤١. أهل التصوف أهل دين محمد
هم في الحقيقة أوليا الرحمن
42. Those who fast and stand for their Lord
At night until dawn with the Criterion
٤٢. الصائمون القائمون لربهم
ليلا إلى الأسحار بالفرقان
43. They fasted from desires for God and emigrated
In Him from the pleasures of fleeting life
٤٣. صاموا الهواجر للإِله وهاجروا
فيه لذاذة كل عيش فاني
44. They follow the traces of the Prophet and his companions
And those who came after them in beneficence
٤٤. يقفون آثار النبي وصحبه
والتابعين لهم على الإحسان
45. The people of Sufism are none other than those
Whose eyes overlook every hateful outcast
٤٥. أهل التصوف غير من عينهم
من كل زنديق بغيض الشان
46. The jurists opposed them when they played
With religion like the play of boys
٤٦. عاداهم الفقهاء حين تلاعبوا
بالدين مثل تلاعب الصبيان
47. Whoever fought the jurists, fought their Lord
Their prophet, and the groups of faith
٤٧. من حارب الفقهاء حارب ربهم
ونبيهم وطوائف الإيمان
48. They were angry for Muhammad's religion, and you were angry
For Ibn Arabi, may man curse him
٤٨. غضبوا لدين محمد وغضبتم
لابن العربي العنه من إنسان
49. The protectors of God's religion did not choose
Ignorance or forgetfulness for the religion
٤٩. حفاظ دين الله لم يخترهم
للدين عن جهل ولا نسيان
50. O Lord, do not appoint other than Yahya
To champion Your religion over religions
٥٠. يا رب لا تجعل لدينك ناصراً
ملكاً سوى يحيى على الأديان
51. And strengthen him with Your hands and protect him
From the evil of enemies and the cunning of brothers
٥١. واشدد بأيدك أزره واعصمه من
شر العدى ومكائد الخوان
52. And make him a sword for Your religion, cutting
The necks of the people of tyranny and aggression
٥٢. واجعله سيفا دون دينك قاطعا
لرقاب أهل البغي والعدوان