1. Most have a hand and how many
Its bones Ahmad elevated my status
١. معظم له يداً وكم وكم
عظمها أحمد منزلتي
2. Perfecting with his favor his knowledge
With your knowledge his kindness is a favor
٢. متمم بفضله لعلمه
بعلمكم إحسانه ذو منة
3. Seeking justice from you though wronged
I came halfway looking for your support
٣. مهتضم إياكم لتنصفوا
منتصفاً اتاكم يانصرتي
4. They came early and left gains
During my tenure my school changed
٤. وقدموا وآخروا عوائد
في مدتي تغيرت مدرستي
5. Among them, my loss, a group
Who were biased among themselves, my loss
٥. بينهم يا ضيعتي جماعة
تعصبوا بينهم ياضيعتي