
I did not excessively slander and lie,

لم أكثر الواشي المقال وزورا

1. I did not excessively slander and lie,
Nor did I prolong what is unlawful or shorten what's right.

١. لم أكثر الواشي المقال وزورا
واطال فيما لا يجوز واقصرا

2. He abandoned shame before God openly,
And spread indecency among the chaste.

٢. ترك الحياء من الإِله مجاهرا
وأشاع في أهل العفاف المنكرا

3. Poor soul, may God forgive him his sin,
For he has uttered fabricated talk.

٣. مسكين سامحه الإِله بذنبه
فلقد تفوه بالحديث المفترا

4. He strove and adopted every ugliness that was not there before.
Oh, the schemes he has hatched, the havoc he has wreaked!

٤. وسعى ولون كل قبح لم يكن
يا ما جرى من كيده ياما جرا

5. I have been afflicted with foolish lads
Among whom no mature, wise man exists.

٥. ولقد بليت بفتية ما فيهم
رجل رشيد يرعوي ان ذكرا

6. Like beasts whose evil you are spared by your Lord
If outwardly they show goodness, while inwardly nursing evil.

٦. مثل السباع كفاك ربك شرهم
إن أظهروا خيرا فشر يضمرا

7. We both had an assembly there,
Where I was fair to them, and did not fall short.

٧. قد كان لي ولهم هناك مجلس
أنصفتهم فيه ولم أك مقصرا

8. I gave them what they had never given,
They were content, saying I should be thanked.

٨. أعطيتهم ما لم يكونوا اعطيوا
ورضوا وقالوا واجب ان تشكرا

9. From them in writing I took testimony,
And left them happily, cheerfully.

٩. وأخذت منهم بالخطوط شهادة
ورحلت عنهم راضيا مستبشرا

10. I presented it to the minister Muhammad,
Who read it and pondered what he read.

١٠. أحضرتها عند الوزير محمد
فقرا وكرر ما قراه وفكرا

11. And put his right hand under the pillow,
And brought out a document contrary to that.

١١. وثنى إلى تحت الوسادة كفه
اليمنى فاخرج ضد ذاك مسطرا

12. They said we lied in the testimony first,
And the truth, take it from the witnesses last.

١٢. قالوا كذبنا في الشهادة أولا
والحق خذه من الشهاة آخرا

13. He punished men who confessed they
Had lied. Who testifies falsely deserves punishment.

١٣. عزّر رجالا قد اقروا إنهم
كذبوا ومن يشهد بزور عزرا

14. Is this the trait of honorable, high-minded men?
Where is the care, where is the shame from disgrace?

١٤. هل هذه صفة الرجال ذوي التفا
أين الحجا أين الحياء من الورا

15. So I was silent about them and shunned their talk,
Estranged - and it's right for the likes of them to be shunned.

١٥. فسكتّ عنهم واطرحت حديثهم
هجرا وحق لمثله ان يهجرا

16. And today they have come up with a plot
To take an unwary man by surprise, who knows naught.

١٦. واليوم هذا قد أتوا بمكيدة
في غافل يقعون فيه وما درا

17. I swear by the Lord of the worlds, Ahmad
Is more righteous and forbearing than anyone on earth.

١٧. قسما برب العالمين لأحمد
أزكى وأحلم من على وجه الثرا

18. If they lessen their complaints, he might speak up,
For suspicion grows in a youth if they increase.

١٨. لو قللوا الشكوى لاحدث عنده
فالوهم يحصل في الفتى أن كثرا

19. By himself he took on the burdens of rule,
And protected the lands, governing and planning.

١٩. نهضت باعباء الخلافة نفسه
وحمى البرايا سائسا ومدبرا

20. He strove and when he strove was not timid,
He threw and when he threw was no shirker.

٢٠. وسعى فلم يك إذ سعى متثبطا
ورما فلم يك حين يرمي مقصرا

21. In securing peace from enemies he succeeded,
Or in fighting enemies he was victorious.

٢١. إن سالم الأعداء كان موفقا
أو حارب الأعداء كان مظفرا