
God has decreed among us with His judgement

قضى الله فينا وهو حكم بحكمه

1. God has decreed among us with His judgement
That the world is between the living and the dead

١. قضى الله فينا وهو حكم بحكمهِ
بأن الورى ما بين حىٍّ وميتِ

2. Do not be saddened by what God has ordained though you may dislike it
For in God's decree is the greatest good

٢. فلا تجز عن مما قضى وكرهته
ففيما قضاه الله أعظم خيرةِ

3. So praise God that it is
A reward and treasure for the day you meet God, the best provision

٣. ثوابُ وذخر فأحمد الله أنُّه
ليوم لقاءِ الله خير ذخيرةِ

4. Our dead children will be our intercessors tomorrow
Through them we hope for forgiveness of every sin

٤. فأطفالنا الموتى غدا شفعاؤنا
بهم نرتجي غفرانَ كل خطيئةِ

5. They will go around with cups among their parents
While we thirst for a drink after a drink

٥. يطوفون بالأكواب في والديهم
ونحن عطاش شربة بعد شربةِ

6. May God protect you, bless your birth
And perfect you in character, nature and generosity

٦. يعيظك عنه الله أبرك مولداً
وأحسن في خُلق وخَلق وبسطهِ

7. He only died after the glad tidings of brothers
Who have come to you after the brothers

٧. وما مات إِلا بعد بشرى لأخوةٍ
له نحوكم قد أقبلوا بعد أخوةِ

8. They will live to see a father married
To children of their children through every generous woman

٨. يعيشون حتى يبصروا لأب منكحا
لابناء أبناهم بكل كريمةِ

9. And to see the enemy's spite when they ride
The excellent, nobly-bred horses

٩. وتبصرهم غيظُ العدو إِذا امتطوا
ظهور المذاكي القب في السائريةِ

10. They will raid the enemies time after time
And a battle where they kill many after a battle

١٠. لهم في الأعادي غارةٌ بعد غارةٍ
ووقعة قتلى بهم بعد وقعة

11. As for the one whom his Lord called yesterday
To grow up in the Gardens in the best care

١١. وأما الذي ناداه بالأمسِ ربه
ليربو في الجنات أحسن ربية

12. He was not created to remain and live
But so you may be rewarded in affliction

١٢. فما كان مخلوقاً لبقيا وعيشةٍ
ولكن لتعطي فيه أجر المصيبةِ

13. For the innocent do not attain their kingdom
Except through consolation and joy

١٣. فإن البرايا ما ينال مليكهم
ينالهم من ترحة ومسرةِ

14. Especially one like you, so just in judgement
Who treats the subjects as prophets treat in mercy

١٤. ولا سيّما من كان مثلكَ هكذا
يحب الرعايا عادلاً في القضيةِ

15. Their hands are outstretched to you in prayer
And their tongues praise you in friendship

١٥. ينزلهم نزل النبوة رحمة
ويحنو على الكل حنو الأبوةِ

16. Congratulations, so good to see a state
Where every heart is content and loving to you

١٦. فأيديهم ممدودةً لك بالدعا
وألسنهم تثني ثناء المودةِ

17. No king is pleased but the Caliph
Whose appearance brings joy to his subjects

١٧. هنيئاً مريئاً دولة قد ملى بها
لكم كل قلب بالرضا والمحبةِ

18. He remembers them when affliction shows on them
With what his hand has granted them of his making

١٨. ولا ملك يرضى غير ملك خليفةِ
تسر بمراه قلوبُ الرعيةِ

19. The finest and most beautiful of faces upon the finest and most beautiful of faces
And to see him is the finest of sights

١٩. يذكرهم في حين يبدو عليهم
بما قلدتهم كفهُ من صنيعهِ

20. Those who have seen him would ransom him with themselves
And even more so those close in lineage and family

٢٠. وأحسن وجهٍ طالع وجه محسنٍ
ورؤيته في العين أحسن رؤيةِ

21. I ransom you from kings who were unjust in their tyranny
Whenever they appeared, they were of ill repute

٢١. يفديه منهم من رأه بنفسه
وبالأقربا من عترة وعشيرةِ

22. You are but God's mercy revealed
Upon creation, reviving them and a sign of mercy

٢٢. فدتكَ ملوك قد أساؤوا بجورهم
إذا برزوا لم يعدموا سوء سمعةِ

23. And those you shrouded are but rewarded
With forgiveness that erases every slip

٢٣. وما أنت إلا رحمة الله أنزلت
على الخلق تحييهم وأية رحمةِ

24. After them remains only good news
That brings you joy after joy

٢٤. وما موت من واريَت إِلا مثوبةٌ
أتتك وغفرانٌ محى كلَّ زلةِ

25. Our Lord knows the good intent
You wish for those you care for

٢٥. ومن بعده لم يبق إلا بشائر
توافيك منها فرحةٌ بعد فرحةِ

26. Necessities occur that upset you
And harm may result from necessity

٢٦. تريد بمن ترعاه خيراً وربَّنا
عليم بما أضمرت من حسن نّيةِ

27. O God, help Al-Yahya in what pleases him
And show him of justice and excellent scheming

٢٧. وتجرى ضروراتٌ يسوءك كونَها
وقد يركب المحذورُ عند الضرورةِ

28. Restrain hands that mean other than his intent
Gently, and close to him the doors of harm

٢٨. الهي أعنْ يحي على ما يسرهُ
ويبديه من عدل وحسن طويةِ

29. Facilitate this world for him and heal its evils
And settle through him every rebellion

٢٩. وكفّ أكفاً قصدها غير قصده
بلطفٍ وأغلق عنه باب الأذيةِ

30. Plan for him the planning of the Protected over His servant
For You have appointed him Your Caliph

٣٠. ومهَد له الدنيا وأحمد شرورها
وسكنّ به ما ثار من كل فتنةِ