1. O you whose tears flowed and sobbed
And whose heart has not diminished or extinguished its flame
١. يا من لدمعٍ مارقي وصبيبهِ
ولوجدِ قلب ما انقضى ولهيبه
2. And who became enamored but his love was betrayed
So it no longer follows its former ways or experiments
٢. ومتيمٍ قد هذبتُه يدُ النوى
بصحيح وجدٍ غير ما يهذيبه
3. His determination to abandon love has weakened
So he obeyed it, disobeying leaving it
٣. خانته مهجته فما تمشي على
عاداته الأولى ولا تجريبه
4. Passion forcibly took hold of him
By force, though he's not equal to it or accustomed to it
٤. هم على تركِ الهوى ركبته
فاطاعها وعصى على تركيبه
5. O heart, you were unfaithful though you should have been loyal
Your actions were not proper or decent
٥. وحشى تعشقه الغرام وحله
قسرا وليس بكفوه وضريبه
6. You didn't honor your guest, the longing, by meeting
Or keep ties with him forever or draw him near
٦. يا قلبُ خنت وأنت من يجبا الوفا
ما مثل فعلك صالح بنجيبه
7. O Hind, you have ignited the evil of disdain
In my heart, never to be extinguished, so strange
٧. ما كنتَ تكرمَ ضيفَ شوقِ بِاللقا
ووصا له أبداً ولا تقريبه
8. Since I recognized his love, ask about
The state of the one seized by disdain and stripped away
٨. يا هندُ قد اضرمتِ من نكر الجفا
في القلب ما لاينطفي وغريبه
9. A youth counseled sincerely but he
Corrupted what he presented, faulty and blamable
٩. أنا منعرفت غرامه فاستخبري
عن حال مأخوذِ الجفا وسليبه
10. My melting soul, if you submit
To one who causes this, say who melted it
١٠. شاب العذول النصح منه فمعه بي
كمشوب ما أهداه لي ومعيبه
11. O soul, you have over lamented so show
Patience over the delusions of passion and its nearness
١١. لنفس ذيبي إِهلكت فان تسلَ
ممن به هذا فقل من ذيبه
12. For fate has brought joy with Ahmed
In his full moon I feel safe and sheltered
١٢. يا نفس أكثرت التأسف فاعملي
بالصبر عن واهي الهوى وقريبه
13. The victorious king who seized the heights
And glory - all pride is in his plunder
١٣. فالدهر قد جلب السرور بأحمدٍ
فبدرهه أنا آمن وجليبه
14. A king filling the world's expanse, exalted, and whenever he saw
The least arrogance he called "Exalted am I with Him!"
١٤. الناصرَ الملك الذي انتهب العلى
والمجدُ كل الفخرِ في منهوبه
15. O my state, protect the lands and listen
So attack on a day of ignorance and ambiguity
١٥. ملكُ ملا الدنيا علا ومتى رأى
أدنى السنا نادى العلى ملى بهِ
16. Rather, divide his enemies between the slain
And the captive, so he may be sated and fight
١٦. يا خليه روعى البلاد واسمعي
فتكا بيوم جهوله وأريبه
17. His decree is the truth of the Most High, gladdening me
So I am amazed at a truth that is fulfilled and soothing
١٧. بل قسمي أعداه بين قتيله
وأسيره كي يشتفى وحريبه
18. Preserving promises - none like him
Who would break them - the son of Husaybah and his kindred
١٨. فقضاؤه حق العلى لي مطرب
فاعجب لحق ينقضي وطريبه
19. O deputy of the Merciful, how much
Grace has come to me from You, beyond what I intended
١٩. حفظ العهود فما مضى لي مثلها
فأضاعها ابن حسيبه ونسيبه
20. The udder of Your right hand still overflows
To nourish me since I grew up as a youth
٢٠. يا نائب الرحمن كم من نعمةٍ
وافتك منه غير ما تنوى به
21. How often when thirsty have I said at the spring of another
"O my innermost being, do not increase doubts!"
٢١. ما زال ضرع يديْ يمينك حافلا
لغذيّ جودك مذ نشا وربيبه
22. And when the dew called through it "Kill poverty
For the uniquely generous one of your time," I said "Make me melt!"
٢٢. كم قلتَ عطشاناً بمورد غيره
يا مهجتي لا تكثري مريبه
23. So I will praise Him and light a blaze
That will burn as long as Your drops are contented with me
٢٣. وإذا الندى نادى به اقتل فاقة
لوحيد عصرك قال قل أذويبهِ
24. And trill loudly the voice of the bulbul, wandering
And the raven croaking with grief for its companion
٢٤. فلسوف أمدحه وأملا محرقاً
لازال قطرك يرتضى فهمي به
25. Give him the good news of a feast day in which you count triumphs
For you is a state in which glory revolves or intoxicates
٢٥. وأَصخ لصوتٍ العندليب فقد شذا
وارم الغراب مسكتا لنعيبه
٢٦. وتهنه عيداً به تعد العلا
لك حال لف المجد أو تشريبه