1. He did not disappoint the hopes of mankind
He pleased all and granted everyone what they asked
١. ما خيَّب الله فيه للورى أَملا
أرضى الجميع وأعطى الكلَّ ما سئلا
2. Praise be to Allah, the eyes that were anxious now feel relief
And every anguished heart now feels comfort
٢. والحمدُ لله قرّت أعين شحنت
وقرَّ كلُ فؤادٍ يشتكي الوَجلا
3. The world regained health through his health
And praise of him became the main concern everywhere
٣. صحت لصحتِه الدنيا وساكنُها
وأصبح الحمد فيها للورى شِغلا
4. It has been said that today the angels in heaven
Did not raise anything for them except praise as their task
٤. لقد قيل أما اليوم ما رفعت
لهم سوى الحمد أملاكُ السما عملا
5. Sickness did not single out anyone, it affected all people alike
What a cure that eliminated all illnesses!
٥. ما خصّص السقمُ بلا عمَّ الأنام معاً
فيا له من شفاء أذهبَ العِللا
6. It calmed anxieties and uneasy hearts started beating calmly
It spread relief over plains and mountains alike
٦. وسكّن الروعَ والأكبادُ خافقةٌ
وعمَّ بالفرجات السهلَ والجبلا
7. It brought no harm that would cause sorrow
Rather to make known the blessings in you that were ignored
٧. وما حممت لمكروهِ تُساء به
لكنْ ليُعلم فضلٌ فيك قد جُهلا
8. By Allah! People did not know the extent of good
That the lands obtained through you in continuous succession
٨. تاللهِ ما عرفَت مقدار ما رُزقَت
بك البرايا من الخير الذي اتصلا
9. Until you isolated yourself and they said pain has touched him
So do not ask about this saying and what it entailed
٩. حتى احتجبتَ وقالوا مسّه ألم
فلا تسائل بهذا القولِ ما فعلا
10. Nor dispute the shocked minds regarding it
Side effects confused the sane and the insane alike
١٠. وما تنازعن أسلاب العقول به
عوارض ألحقت بالمرأة الرَجُلا
11. Until ignorance and wisdom became one in state
So do not blame them for extreme anxiety
١١. وأذهلت كلَّ شخص عن سجيتهِ
حتى استوى في الاسا الجهالُ والعقلا
12. That would have toppled mountains if it persisted
The lover is excused and their love for him
١٢. فلا تلمهمُ على الافراط في جزعٍ
قد كاد يعقبُهم لو لم يزل جبلا
13. Filled hearts with kindness he showed
Consider the virtues of the one their souls adore
١٣. فذو المحبةِ مِعذور وحبُّهم
فيه لإِحسانِه منه القلوبِ ملا
14. Finding flaw in him is truly unthinkable
Had they found him unwell yesterday, they would not have felt
١٤. انظر محاسنَ مَن هامت نفوسهم
على محبتهِ يستقبحُ العِذَلا
15. This joy that made them an example to emulate
Nor would blessing from him have required from them
١٥. لو هان بالأمس مالاقوه ما وجدوا
هذا السرورَ الذي ساروا به مثَلا
16. Praise and thanks that transpired
So praise be to Allah that He gave Abdullah
١٦. ولا اقتضت منهم النعماءُ واجبها
من المحامد والشكر الذي حصلا
17. The best of choices in all that He did
Allah forgave him all sins
١٧. فليحمد الله عبدالله أن له
من ربه خيرة في كل ما فعلا
18. And sufficed him from harms he sought relief from
And showed His creation what was in his nature
١٨. قد كفّر اللهُ عنه كل سيئةٍ
وقد كفاه من الأسواء ما سألا
19. Of virtues and perfection that reached their utmost
For no words or actions can fully thank Him
١٩. وقد أرى خلقهُ ما في خليقتهِ
من المحاسنِ والفضل الذي كمُلا
20. For appointing him as His deputy over creation
٢٠. وانه لا يؤدّي شكرَ نعمته
على خلافته من قال أو عملا