
The days have severed their oath with their oaths,

قطع الزمان يمينه بيمينه

1. The days have severed their oath with their oaths,
And misled with their fingers, eyes upon eyes.

١. قطع الزمان يمينه بيمينه
وفقا بأصبعه عيون عيونه

2. They have tempted the Mother of the Believers with their turns,
Deliberately, and made them drink the cup of their sorrows.

٢. أغرى بأم المؤمنين صروفه
عمداً وجرعهم كؤس منونه

3. O days, do you know whom you have transferred to the soil,
And severed with events, the rope and its twine?

٣. يادهر تدرى من نقلت إِلى الثرى
وقطعت بالحدثان حبل وتينه

4. You have brought out from the tower of the Caliphate its sun,
And anguished therein the lion amidst its lair.

٤. أخرجت من برج الخلافة شمسها
وفجعت فيها الليث وسط عرينه

5. She was to him the best companion, Al-Murtada,
Who would make light of losing such a companion?

٥. كانت له نعم القرين المرتضى
من ذا يهون عليه فقد قرينه

6. The two were intimate, never separated, each of them
Tempted by the nearness of his beloved and cheeks.

٦. إلفين ما افترقا وكل منهما
مغرى بقرب أليفه وخدينه

7. You separated them with a separation, its taste
Bitter as colocynth, no less than it.

٧. فرقت بينهما فراقاً طعمه
مر المذاقة لا لقا من دونه

8. Oh what sorrow for the companion moving away from his love,
Below the soil, resting his right side!

٨. يا حسرتاه لنازح عن حبه
تحت التراب موسداً ليمينه

9. She left behind her lofty curtains,
And the pillows of luxurious furnishings and softness.

٩. تركت نمارقها الرفيعة خلفها
ووسائد الفرش الوطي ولينه

10. And today beneath the soil her figure lies
Cast upon the sands of the plain and its mud.

١٠. واليوم تحت الترب أضحى شخصها
ملقى على رمل الصعيد وطينه

11. Buried between the planks and the soil,
In a place - my soul is ransom for its buried one!

١١. مدفونة بين الجنادل والثرى
في منزل نفسي فداء دفينه

12. Eloquence is too majestic for condolences and bereavement,
The intellect of the young man in it is proof of his madness.

١٢. خطب يجل عن العزا ورزية
عقل الفتى فيها دليل جنونه

13. O long live sorrow in us after one
Who used to dispel sorrow from the grieved!

١٣. ياطول عمر الحزن فينا بعد من
قد كان ينفي الحرزن عن محزونه

14. What is it to me and beautiful patience, even if in me
There is a sorrow that lessens patience from consoling it?

١٤. مالي وللصبر الجميل وإن بي
حزن يقل الصبر عن تهوينه

15. Tell the critic to restrain the excess of his tongue
From me, for I am not indebted to his religion.

١٥. قل للعذول يكف فضل لسانه
عني فإني لا أدين بدينه

16. What is it to the wound and the ache that blames it
In its sorrow, yearning, and moaning?

١٦. ما للخلي وللشجي يلومه
في حزنه وحنينه وأنينه

17. How can there be solace while beneath the slabs of soil
Is one whom I know the soil recognizes through her forehead?

١٧. كيف السلو وتحت أطباق الثرى
من قد علمت بلى الثرى بجبينه

18. Or how can one whose heart is captive, imprisoned
In the tomb, find comfort?

١٨. أم كيف يسلو المستهام وقلبه
في أسر مأسور الضريح رهينة

19. O pearl! The King used to protect her,
The apple of his eye and an houris' eye as well!

١٩. يادرة كان المليك يصونها
يا عينه الحورا وحورا عينه

20. By God, your right is not fulfilled by some
Weeping, unless blood flows from their eyelids!

٢٠. تالله يقضى بعض حقك من بكا
لو بالدماء جرت شؤن جفونه

21. My eyes have not seen anything lasting after you
Unless remorse appears upon its forehead.

٢١. ما أبصرت عيناي بعدك باقياً
إلا يلوح العذر فوق جبينه

22. The heart has sworn since you left never to be consoled,
So it has been enveloped, protecting its oath.

٢٢. حلف الفواد من التلسلى بعدكم
فحفاه محتاطاً لبرء يمينه

23. I do not forbid my tears from flowing
For in them is respite for the grieved one.

٢٣. أني لا نهى الدمع عن جريانه
إذ كان فيه راحة لحزينه

24. Your grave did not know what it contained, but it knew
The command from its rivers and springs.

٢٤. لم يدر قبرك ماحواه بل درا
بالأمر من أنهاره وعيونه

25. Pathways to it from the Gardens have opened,
So houris and young boys are in its guarantee.

٢٥. فتحت إليه من الجنان مسالك
فالحور والولدان في مضمونه

26. Your good deeds are with you, so through them
How many religious obligations done and voluntary!

٢٦. أعمالك الحسنى لديك فكم به
من فرض صالحها ومن مسنونه

27. O You whose loftiness is beyond condolences,
His commands are with patience or excellence.

٢٧. يامن يجل عن العزاء جلاله
أوامره بالصبر أو تحسينه

28. Nothing is hidden from the knowledge of Your wisdom,
The assumption of the sensible one in it is the eye of certainty.

٢٨. لاشيء يخفى عن ذكائك علمه
ظن اللبيب لديه عين يقينه

29. You are Self-Sufficient in Your Forbearance and Knowledge,
Of days in their movements and stillness.

٢٩. أنت الغني بحلمه وبعلمه
بالدهر في حركاته وسكونه

30. And when one consoles You, it is as though he
Wants to guide, seeing with his eyes.

٣٠. وإذا أمرؤ عزاك كان كاكمه
قد رام يهدى مبصراً بعيونه

31. May my Lord sustain you for the people, for in
The length of survival is survival for His religion.

٣١. أبقاك ربي للأنام فإن في
طول البقاء لك البقاء لدينه