1. She came with congratulations, so let us congratulate her guide,
Her compositions are magnificent, her meanings subtle,
١. أتت مهنّئةً فليهنَ مهديها
جلّت تراكيبها دقّت معانيها
2. She indicates beauty and favor, as is her right,
Never have her songs contained the likes of her.
٢. تدلّ بالحسن والإدلال حق لها
فما حوت مثلها يوما مغانيها
3. From her breaths spread in the body a musical tremor,
The creeping of love for this good thing, its stimulant,
٣. ودبّ في الجسم من أنفاسها طربٌ
دبيب حبي لهذا الخير منشيها
4. Let her congratulate us on a feast of which she is witness,
The feast of the souls when they attain their wishes.
٤. ليهننا بك عيد أنت شاهده
عيد النفوس إذا نالت أمانيها
5. O Yusuf, give me from your nearness a look
Cast back, as you are her guide.
٥. يا يوسف ردّ لي من قربكم نظرا
كردّه بقميص أنت مهديها
6. So your breast may relax, filled as it is with wisdom
And pleasantness of soul, making it yearn.
٦. لينشرح صدرك المملوء من حكمٍ
وطيب النفس شهيّها ومنيّها
7. For you are among intimates who have cares for you
That will remain even if absent ones far and near die.
٧. فأنت بين أخلاء لهم أربٌ
تبقى وإن مات قاصيها ودانيها
8. And give us from the alms of knowledge what is due,
You who built the house of knowledge and founded it.
٨. ولتعطنا من زكاة العلم واجبة
أنت المشيد دار العلم بانيها
9. May the Lord of Loftiness make you live to spread His wisdom,
Despite the hostility of those who oppose and hate you.
٩. أبقاك ربّ العلا في نشر حكمتها
رغماً لأنف معاديها وشانيها