1. I turn my eyes to the painting, yet I see
Nothing but traces of her who was depicted there
١. أردّدُ طرفي في الرسرم فلا أرى
سوى من به كانت رسوما وآثارا
2. And when I ask about him, each tells me
That he never saw him, nor knew who he was
٢. وأسألها عنه فكلّ أجابني
بأنه ما رآه يوما ولا أدرا
3. So I say to them, how strange! For I
Only saw him through your likeness portrayed there
٣. فقلت لهم هذا عجيب فإنني
ما أبصرته إلا بكم متظاهرا
4. I recognized him through you, and then grew
To know him more, though denying him I was
٤. عرفته منكم ثم زاد في عرفاننا
بأنني إياه ولكن منكرا
5. I marvel how he hid though revealing himself
My eye's veil to his revealing was its cover
٥. عجبت له كيف اختفى بظهوره
فعيني حجابه الظهور ولا انفرا
6. Behold and marvel then, at one whose outward self
Conceals, whose inward self remains manifest
٦. ألا فاعجبوا من ظاهرٍ في بطونه
ومن باطن لا زال باد وظاهرا