1. Greetings to you, ever continuous
It has a fragrance, without which musk and perfume are nothing
١. سلامٌ عليكم دائم متتابع
له نفحةٌ من دونها المسك والعطر
2. And after an excuse we have severed ties
That you were accustomed to, O glorious and free man
٢. وبعد لعذر قد قطعنا عوائدا
تعوّدتها يا أيها الماجد الحرّ
3. And otherwise, confirming desires is our law
We see abandoning them as a sin that seeks forgiveness
٣. وإلا فإثبات الرغائب شرعنا
نرى تركها ذنبا له يطلب الغفر
4. And if I shared with you all that we have
As the Helpers said, and the virtuous scholar
٤. ولو أنني قاسمتكم كل ما لنا
كما قاله الأنصار والفاضل الحبر
5. I would not have come with a tenth of your rights
Even if I had something with which I could give thanks
٥. لما جئت في معشار عشر حقوقكم
ولو كان ذا شيء يؤدي به شكر