
O rider, if you meet the people of Nashib,

أيا راكبا إما عرضت فبلغن

1. O rider, if you meet the people of Nashib,
Then convey my regards to those who yearn for me,

١. أَيا راكِباً إِمّا عَرَضتَ فَبَلِّغَن
بَني ناشِبٍ عَنّي وَمَن يَتَنَشَّبُ

2. Each of you chooses the abode he settles,
And leaves a ruin with no one to blame,

٢. أَكُلُّكُمُ مُختارُ دارٍ يَحُلُّها
وَتارِكُ هُدمٍ لَيسَ عَنها مُذَنَّبُ

3. And convey to the clan of Awd ibn Zayd a message,
With the sign that if they try to harm me they lie,

٣. وَأَبلِغ بَني عَوذِ بنِ زَيدٍ رِسالَةً
بِآيَةِ ما إِن يَقصِبونِيَ يَكذِبوا

4. If you wish, you forbade your fool about me,
And your wise one said to him "Where are you going?",

٤. فَإِن شِئتُمُ عَنّي نَهَيتُم سَفيهَكُم
وَقالَ لَهُ ذو حِلمُكُم أَينَ تَذهَبُ

5. And if you wish, you fought me to the utmost,
Then the misery of war in the dusk confuses you,

٥. وَإِن شِئتُمُ حارَبتُموني إِلى مَدىً
فَيَجهَدُكُم شَأوُ الكِظاظِ المُغَرَّبُ

6. So good deeds reach those who deserve them,
And gloom learns whose head wished but missed them.

٦. فَيَلحَقُ بِالخَيراتِ مَن كانَ أَهلَها
وَتَعلَمُ عَبسٌ رَأسُ مَن يَتَصَوَّب