
Behold, the people of the caravan whom I found

ألا إن أصحاب الكنيف وجدتهم

1. Behold, the people of the caravan whom I found
Were like other people when they prospered and grew rich,

١. أَلا إِنَّ أَصحابَ الكَنيفِ وَجَدتُهُم
كَما الناسِ لَمّا أَخصَبوا وَتَمَوَّلوا

2. And I am inclined toward their friendship
When we walk together and shuffle along,

٢. وَإِنّي لَمَدفوعٌ إِلَيَّ وَلاؤُهُم
بِماوانَ إِذ نَمشي وَإِذ نَتَمَلمَلُ

3. And when the live coals of a blazing firebrand
Warm the saddlecloth on which it is kindled.

٣. وَإِذ ما يُريحُ الحَيَّ صَرماءُ جونَةٌ
يَنوسُ عَلَيها رَحلُها ما يُحَلَّلُ

4. The she-camel of swollen hip, crumpled and scarred,
Is sometimes hobbled there by them and saddled.

٤. مُوَقَّعَةُ الصَفقَينِ حَدباءَ شارِفٌ
تُقَيَّدُ أَحياناً لَدَيهِم وَتُرحَلُ

5. Upon her are the young boys such as you have seen,
And about her walk widows poor and meek.

٥. عَلَيها مِنَ الوِلدانِ ما قَد رَأَيتُمُ
وَتَمشي بِجَنبَيها أَرامِلُ عُيَّلُ

6. And I said to her, “O white mother of youths,
Whose food is hastily cooked in pots,

٦. وَقُلتُ لَها يا أُمَّ بَيضاءَ فِتيَةٌ
طَعامُهُمُ مِنَ القُدورِ المُعَجَّلُ

7. A brew of Channels and heated water
We last boiled in the previous evening.”

٧. مَضيغٌ مِنَ النَيبِ المَسانِ وَمُسخَنٌ
مِنَ الماءِ نَعلوهُ بِآخَرَ مِن عَلُ

8. For you and I were like a mother who pawned
The water of her eyes to ransom and endure.

٨. فَإِنّي وَإِيّاكُم كَذي الأُمِّ أَرهَنَت
لَهُ ماءَ عَينَيها تُفَدّي وَتَحمِلُ

9. But when he came of age and his youth paid off,
Another took her place, austere and kohl-eyed.

٩. فَلَمّا تَرَجَّت نَفعَهُ وَشَبابَهُ
أَتَت دونَها أُخرى حَديداً تُكَحِّلُ

10. She remained till the joints of both elbows
Were worn threadbare with her tossing about and writhing

١٠. فَباتَت لِحَدِّ المِرفَقَينِ كِلَيهِما
تُوَحوِحُ مِمّا نابَها وَتُوَلوِلُ

11. As she chose between two joys neither enviable -
Bereavement, except that she might adorn herself.

١١. تُخَيَّرُ مِن أَمرَينِ لَيسا بِغِبطَةٍ
هُوَ الثَكلُ إِلّا أَنَّها قَد تَجَمَّلُ

12. Like the night of an aged, grizzled woman you haven't forgotten,
And like our night when whatever befell befell had its run.

١٢. كَليلَةِ شَيباءَ الَّتي لَستَ ناسِياً
وَلَيلَتِنا إِذ مَنَّ ما مَنَّ قِرمِلُ

13. I say to him, “O son of a water bag prone to leak,
When was she confined to al-Afayyah and fettered

١٣. أَقولُ لَهُ يا مالِ أُمُّكَ هابِلٌ
مَتى حُبِسَت عَلى الأَفَيَّحِ تُعقَلُ

14. With unremitting thirst such that you can hardly see
The leather bucket pass round her gullet?

١٤. بِدَيمومَةٍ ما إِن تَكادُ تَرى بِها
مِنَ الظَمَأِ الكَومَ الجِلادَ تُنَوَّلُ

15. The landmarks of the country are unrecognized by their owner,
And he knows that nothing in it can be set aright.”

١٥. تُنَكَّرُ آياتُ البِلادِ لِمالِكٍ
وَأَيقَنَ أَن لا شَيءَ فيها يُقَوَّلُ