
The fertile pollen had taken its fortresses for a gathering

أخذت معاقلها اللقاح لمجلس

1. The fertile pollen had taken its fortresses for a gathering
Around Ibn Aktham of the Bani Anmar tribe

١. أَخَذَت مَعاقِلَها اللِقاحُ لِمَجلِسٍ
حَولَ اِبنِ أَكثَمِ مِن بَني أَنمارِ

2. And I certainly came to you in pitch darkness
And I certainly came upon your dwellings in daylight

٢. وَلَقَد أَتَيتُكُمُ بِلَيلٍ دامِسٍ
وَلَقَد أَتَيتُ سُراتَكُم بِنَهارِ

3. So I found you to be pollen made infertile through stinginess
Infertile since you were reduced other than abundant

٣. فَوَجَدتُكُم لِقَحاً حُبِسنَ بِخُلَّةٍ
وَحُبِسنَ إِذ صُرّينَ غَيرَ غِزارِ

4. They forbade she-camels and camel herds altogether
And for them a she-camel is more jealous than any free woman

٤. مَنَعوا البِكارَةَ وَالأَفالَ كِلَيهِما
وَلَهُم أَضَنُّ بِأُمِّ كُلِّ حِوارِ