
If a man does not strive to make a living for himself,

إذا المرء لم يطلب معاشا لنفسه

1. If a man does not strive to make a living for himself,
He grieves over poverty or blames a friend, thus being unfair,

١. إِذا المَرءُ لَم يَطلُب مَعاشاً لِنَفسِهِ
شَكا الفَقرَ أَو لامَ الصَديقَ فَأَكثَرا

2. And he looks down on his lowly friends and severs
The ties of kinship that bind him, until they disappear.

٢. وَصارَ عَلى الأَدنَينَ كَلّاً وَأَوشَكَت
صِلاتُ ذَوي القُربى لَهُ أَن تَنَكَّرا

3. The man who seeks help from all sides
Is not a man, unless he toils and perseveres.

٣. وَما طالِبُ الحاجاتِ مِن كُلِّ وِجهَةٍ
مِنَ الناسِ إِلّا مَن أَجَدَّ وَشَمَّرا

4. So travel through God's lands and seek your fortune there;
You will live prosperous or die with an excuse.

٤. فَسِر في بِلادِ اللَهِ وَاِلتَمِسِ الغِنى
تَعِش ذا يَسارٍ أَو تَموتَ فَتُعذَرا