
I say to Ibrahim when I met him

أقول لابراهيم لما لقيته

1. I say to Ibrahim when I met him,
I see the matter has become complex and multifaceted.

١. أَقولُ لابراهيمَ لما لَقيتُهُ
أَرى الأَمرَ أَمسى مُنصِباً مُتَشَعِّباً

2. Prepare and hurry and join the army, I do not see
Salvation except in the army or in ruin.

٢. تجهَّز وَأَسرِع وَالحَق الجَيشَ لا أَرى
سِوى الجَيشِ إِلّا في المَهالِكِ مَذهَبا

3. Make your choice, either you visit the son of Dhabi
Umayr or you visit Al-Muhallab.

٣. تَخَيَّر فَأَمّا أَن تَزورَ ابنَ ضابىءٍ
عُمَيراً وَإِمّا أَن تَزورَ المُهَلَّبا

4. Both are the terrain of quicksand, your survival from them
Is your riding around the gray-haired from the ice.

٤. هما خُطَّتا خَسفٍ نَجاؤُكَ منهما
رُكوبُكَ حَوليّاً مِن الثَلجِ أَشهَبا

5. I do not see Al-Hajjaj sheathing his sword,
The hand of fate, until he leaves the youngster gray-haired.

٥. فَما أَن أَرى الحُجَّاجَ يَغمِدُ سَيفَهُ
يَدَ الدَهرِ حَتّى يتركَ الطِفلَ أَشيَبا

6. He became as if Khorasan were in front of him
Or even closer than the marketplace.

٦. فَأَضحى وَلَو كانَت خُراسانُ دونَهُ
رآها مَكانَ السُوقِ أَو هيَ أَقرَبا

7. You will see the enemy's hatred do something hateful,
Bearing the saddle-bags until he avoids.

٧. فَكائِن تَرى مِن مُكرِهِ العدوٍ مُسمِنٍ
تَحَمَّمَ حِنوَ السَرجِ حَتّى تَجنَبّا