1. God has given you dignity and piety
And settled your house among the most numerous
١. اللَهُ أَعطاكَ المَهابَةَ وَالتُقى
وَأَحَلَّ بَيتَكَ في العَديدِ الأَكثَرِ
2. And delighted your eye on the day of the battle of Khazir
With horses stumbling over the broken canal
٢. وأَقَرَّ عَينَكَ يَومَ وَقعَةِ خازِرٍ
وَالخَيلُ تَعثُر بِالقَنا المُتَكَسِّرِ
3. I praised you when the news reached me in my abode
And blamed the brethren of wealth among the tribe
٣. انّي مَدَحتُكَ إِذ نَبا بيَ مَنزِلي
وَذَمَمتُ اخوانَ الغِنى مِن مَعشَرِ
4. And I knew that you would not disappoint my praise
And whenever I am on the path of good, I am grateful
٤. وَعَرَفتُ أَنَّكَ لا تُخَيِّبُ مِدحَتي
وَمَتى أَكُن بسَبيلِ خَيرٍ أَشكُرِ
5. So come closer to me from your right, a whiff
Indeed time insists, O son of Ashtar
٥. فَهَلُمَّ نَحوي مِن يَمينِكَ نَفحَةٌ
انَّ الزَمانَ أَلَحَّ يابنَ الأَشتَرِ