1. My heart ached and softened after being hardened
It aroused intense longing, pouring out passion
١. حَنَّت قَلوصيَ وَهناً بَعدَ هَدأَتِها
فَهَيَّجَت مُغرَماً صَبّاً عَلى الطَرَبِ
2. It yearned for one better than the urged camel does for him
Like the full moon between Abu Sufyan and al-Utaybi
٢. حَنَّت إِلى خير من حُثَّ المَطيُّ لَهُ
كالبَدرِ بَينَ أَبي سُفيانَ وَالعُتبِ
3. It recalled the settlements of al-Balqaa and its people
I remembered it from an emigrant of the nomadic tribe
٣. تَذَكَّرَت بِقُرى البَلقاءِ نائِلَهُ
لَقَد تَذَكَّرتُه مِن نازِح عَزَبِ
4. By God, I wouldn't have visited were it not for seeing him
And that I meet Abu Hassaan from the Arabs
٤. وَاللَهِ ما كانَ بي لَولا زِيارَتُهُ
وَأَن أُلاقي أَبا حَسّانَ مِن أَرَبِ
5. It ached for me to return behind me, so I said to it
This is ahead of you, meet the young man of the Arabs
٥. حَنَّت لِترجعَني خَلفي فَقُلتُ لَها
هَذا أَمامِكِ فالقَيهِ فَتى العَرَبِ
6. He doesn't consider harm a neighbor, doesn't part with it
Nor punish with anger when being forgiving
٦. لا يَحسَبُ الشَرَّ جاراً لا يُفارِقُهُ
وَلا يُعاقِبُ عِندَ الحِلمِ بالغَضَبِ
7. From the best house we knew and honored
Their blood heals those bitten by dogs
٧. مِن خَيرِ بَيتٍ عَلِمناهُ وَأَكرَمهِ
كانَت دِماؤُهمُ تَشفي مِن الكَلَبِ