1. Is it a mishap with Layla, or avoidance?
Or is it that affection for Layla remains as it was,
ูก. ุฃูุตุฑูู
ู ุจูููู ุญุงุฏูุซู ุฃูู
ุงูุญูุจูู ู
ูููุง ูุงูููู ู
2. Yet Layla demands and complains more?
Donโt you know, O Layla, I can be submissive
ูข. ุฃูู
ุงูููุฏูู ู
ูู ููููู ููุนููุฏู ู
ููููููููู ููููู ุชูุณุชูุฒูุฏู ููุชูุนุชูุจู
3. And gentle when angered?
When I spend lavishly, hoping for repayment,
ูฃ. ุฃูููู
ู ูุง ููููู ุฃููููู ูููููู
ู ููุฃูููู ุนููุจูุณู ุญููู ุฃูุบุถูุจู
4. Should wealth be lost unjustly?
Layla ignores my words and frowns.
ูค. ููุฃูููู ู
ูุชู ุฃููููู ู
ูู ุงูู
ุงูู ุทุงุฑููุง
ููุฅูููู ุฃูุฑุฌู ุฃูู ููุซูุจู ุงูู
5. At night she said, when the riding beasts were ready,
โWhere are you going with your packed belongings?โ
ูฅ. ุฃูุฃูู ุชููููู ุงูู
ุงูู ุงูุชููุงุฏู ุจูุญูููููู
ููุณู ููููู ุนูู ูููุงู
ู ููุชููุทูุจู
6. Do you have some purpose in every place you migrate to?
Such is the way of a scattered man.
ูฆ. ุนูุดูููุฉู ูุงููุช ููุงูุฑููุงุจู ู
ุจูุฃูููุงุฑููุง ู
ูุดุฏูุฏุฉ ุฃูููู ุชูุฐููุจู
7. By God, her camel kept pleading with me
Until the sun nearly set.
ูง. ุฃููู ููููู ู
ูุตุฑู ูุงุฒูุญู ููู ุญุงุฌูุฉู
ููุฐููููู ู
ุง ุฃูู
ุฑู ุงูููุชู ุงูู
8. Let me be! Death has no defense against me,
Nor does he who has lost interest in life seek more.
ูจ. ูููู ุงูููู ู
ุง ุฒุงููุช ุชูููุจููุชู ูุงููุชู
ู ุญูุชูู ูุงุฏุชู ุงูุดูู
ุณู ุชูุบุฑูุจู
9. To you, Obedullah, our riding beasts incline.
They roam the unknown desert and persist.
ูฉ. ุฏุนูููู ู
ุง ุงูู
ููุชู ุนูููู ุฏุงููุนู
ูููุง ูููููุฐู ููููู ู
ูู ุงูุนููุดู ู
10. Her eyes have smoldered as if they were
The pools of a desert whose water flows gently.
ูกู . ุฅูููููู ุนูุจูุฏู ุงููููู ุชูููู ุฑููุงุจููุง
ุชูุนุณูููู ู
ูุฌูููู ุงููููุงุฉู ููุชูุฏุฃูุจู
11. So I said to her, โDo not complain of the where.
Before you is a coin from Umayyah ibn Shabib.โ
ูกูก. ููููุฏ ุถู
ุฑุช ุญูุชูู ูุฃูููู ุนููููููุง
ููุทุงูู ูููุงุฉู ู
ุงุคููุง ู
12. When others mention the superiority of some man of the past,
The superiority of Obedullah is fresher and sweeter.
ูกูข. ูููููุชู ูููุง ูุง ุชูุดุชููู ุงูุฃููู ุฃูููููู
ููู ููุฑู
ู ู
ูู ุฃูู
ูููุฉู ู
13. Were a wound to be healed by you, it would not return,
For you are a claw and fang against enemies.
ูกูฃ. ุฅูุฐ ุฐูููุฑูุง ููุถูู ุงู
ุฑูุกู ูุงูู ููุจูููู
ููููุถูู ุนูุจููุฏู ุงููููู ุฃูุซุฑู ููุฃูุทููุจู
14. Obedullah and glory are the choicest
Alliesโneither Hibr nor Yathrib equal them.
ูกูค. ููุฃููููู ููู ููุดูู ุจู ุงูููุฑุญู ููู
ููุฃููุชู ุนููู ุงูุฃูุนุฏุงุกู ูุงุจู ููู
15. And you are foremost in pursuing good.
So rejoice! You have attained what you sought.
ูกูฅ. ุชูุตุงูู ุนูุจูุฏู ุงููููู ููุงูู
ูุฌุฏู ุตููููุฉู ุงู
ุญููููู ู
ุง ุฃูุฑุณู ุซูุจูุฑู ููููุซุฑูุจู
16. Help me with a useful register of your registers,
For each day has brought you ample provision.
ูกูฆ. ููุฃููุชู ุฅููู ุงูุฎููุฑุงุชู ุฃููููู ุณุงุจููู
ููุฃูุจุดูุฑ ููููุฏ ุฃูุฏุฑููุชู ู
ุง ูููุชู ุชูุทููุจู
17. If you were to seek something of me,
A family and welcome would come to you in speech.
ูกูง. ุฃูุนูููู ุจุณูุฌูู ู
ูู ุณูุฌุงููู ูุงููุนู
ูููู ููููู ูููู
ู ููุฏ ุณูุฑู ูููู ู
ูกูจ. ูุงููู ููู ุงูุงูู ุชูุทููุจู ุญุงุฌูุฉู
ุฌูุฑู ููู ุฃูููู ูู ุงูู
ููุงูู ููู