
Have you not seen that Allah has gifted and honored us

ألم تر أن الله أعطى فخصنا

1. Have you not seen that Allah has gifted and honored us
With a shining white leader from Banu Umayyah?

١. أَلَم تَرَ أَنَّ اللَهَ أَعطى فَخَصَّنا
بِأَبيضَ قَرمٍ مِن أميَّةَ أَزهَرا

2. The dawn of glory rises gently with his gaze
When asked for kindness, he is never too proud

٢. طَلوعِ ثَنايا المَجدِ سامٍ بِطَرفِه
إِذا سُئِلَ المَعروفَ لَيسَ بأوغَرا

3. Had it not been for Abu Marwan as a bearer of good tidings
My feet would have been covered in dust far from home

٣. فَلَولا أَبو مَروانَ بِشرٌ لَقَد غَدَت
رِكابيَ في فَيفٍ مِن الأَرضِ أَغبَرا

4. Rushing to Abd al-Aziz steadily
Passing through olive trees in Egypt murmuring

٤. سِراعاً إِلى عَبدِ العَزيزِ دَوائِباً
تَخلَّلُ زَيتوناً بِمِصرَ وَعَرعَرا

5. And I fought for Islam against Bakr ibn Wa'il
As fiercely as Kulayb or Amr or Amqar

٥. وَحارَبتُ في الاسلامِ بَكرض بنَ وائِلٍ
كَحَربِ كُلَيبٍ أَو أَمَرَّ وَأَمقَرا

6. When Bakr ibn Wa'il leads Islam
That religion has surely changed and become corrupt

٦. إِذا قادتِ الاسلامَ بكرُ بنُ وائِلٍ
فَهَب ذاكَ ديناً قَد تَغَيَّرَ مُهتِرا

7. With what tribulation or what good advice
Do you put stones before me, O son of Abjar?

٧. بأيِّ بَلاءٍ أَم بأيِّ نَصيحَةٍ
تُقَدِّمُ حَجّاراً أَمامي ابنَ أَبجَرا

8. Since I left Uthman calling out
And Marwan panting for water away from the well

٨. وَما زِلتُ مذ فارقتُ عُثمانَ صادياً
وَمَروانَ مُلتاحاً عَن الماءِ أَزورا

9. Oh if only I had gone before them
And my brother Marwan was the last left behind

٩. أَلا لَيتَني قُدِّمتُ وَاللَهِ قَبلَهُم
وأن أَخي مَروانَ كانَ المُؤَخَّرا

10. Through them the fragmented community was reunited
And discord healed until it mended

١٠. بِهم جُمِعَ الشَملُ الشَتيتُ وَأَصلَحَ الا
لَهُ وداوى الصَدعَ حَتّى تَجَبَّرا

11. Allah has decreed, an honorable caliph from them
Will rule the people and ascend the pulpit

١١. قَضى اللَهُ لا ينفكُّ منهم خَليفَةٌ
كَريمٌ يسوسُ الناسَ يَركَبُ منبَرا