
Mu'awiya, we are but humans, so forgive

معاوي أننا بشر فأسجح

1. Mu'awiya, we are but humans, so forgive
We are not mountains nor iron

١. معاويَ أَنَّنا بَشَرٌ فَأَسجِح
فَلَسنا بالجِبالِ وَلا الحَديد

2. Grant us a nation that went astray
With Yazid as its prince, and father of Yazid

٢. فَهَبنا أُمَةً ذهبت ضَياعاً
يَزيدُ أَميرُها وَأَبو يَزيدِ

3. You have eaten our land and stripped it bare
Is there one who will stand or harvest?

٣. أَكَلتُم أَرضَنا فَجَردتُموها
فَهَل مِن قائِمٍ أَو مِن حَصيدِ

4. Do you hope for immortality if we die?
Neither we nor you have immortality

٤. أَتَطمَعُ في الخُلودِ إِذا هَلكنا
وَلَيسَ لَنا وَلا لَكَ مِن خُلودِ

5. Leave the treachery of the Caliphate and walk straight
And the rule of scoundrels and slaves

٥. ذَروا خَونَ الخِلافَةِ واستَقيموا
وَتأميرَ الأراذِلِ وَالعَبيدِ

6. And grant us equality, troops will not avail you
With troops followed by troops

٦. وأعطونا السَويَّةَ لا تَزركُم
جُنودٌ مردَفاتٌ بالجُنودِ