
I say the Commander of the Faithful protected us

أقول أمير المؤمنين عصمتنا

1. I say the Commander of the Faithful protected us
With good tidings in an age of much instability

١. أَقولُ أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ عَصَمتَنا
بِبِشرٍ مِن الدَهرِ الكَثيرِ الزلازِلِ

2. And you extinguished for us the fire of every hypocrite
With a white stallion, long of robes

٢. وَأطفأتَ عَنّا نارَ كُلِّ مُنافِقٍ
بِأَبيضَ بُهلولٍ طَويلِ الحَمائِلِ

3. It grew under the care of the Bani Umayyah for supremacy
When people boast amidst gatherings

٣. نَمَتهُ قُرومٌ مِن أَميةَ لِلعُلى
إِذا اِفتَخَرَ الأَقوامُ وَسطَ المَحافِلِ

4. He is the auspicious leader and the infallibility
Whose truth in us came over every falsehood

٤. هُوَ القائِدُ المَيمونُ وَالعِصمَةُ الَّتي
أَتى حَقُّها فينا عَلى كُلِّ باطِلِ

5. He established for us the upright religion with his patience
And an opinion whose merit surpasses that of every speaker

٥. أَقامَ لَنا الدينَ القَويمَ بحلمِهِ
وَرأيٍ لَهُ فَضلٌ عَلى كُلِّ قائِلِ

6. Your brother, Commander of the Faithful, and through him
We are given drink and irrigation from a pouring cloud

٦. أَخوك أَميرَ المُؤمِنين وَمَن بِهِ
نُجادُ وَنُسقى صَوبَ أَسحمَ هاطِلِ

7. When we ask for his support, the palms of his hands pour upon us
A rain cloud with generosity and downpour

٧. إِذا ما سَألنا رفدَهُ هطلت لَنا
سَحابَةُ كفَّيهِ بجَودٍ وَوابِلِ

8. Clement towards the ignorant among us and a mercy
Upon all riding camels and working beasts

٨. حَليمٌ عَلى الجُهّالِ مِنّا وَرَحمَةٌ
عَلى كُلِّ حافٍ مِن مَعَدِ وَناعِلِ