1. Bishr son of Marwan came to my rescue after
The ravenous wolves had conspired to attack me
١. تداركَني بِشرُ بنُ مَروانَ بَعدَما
تَعاوَت إِلى شِلوى الذَئابُ العَواسِلُ
2. The savior of the weak and the naked, and the guardian of
The orphans, to whom the outcasts come for refuge
٢. غِياثُ الضِعافِ المُرملينَ وَعِصمَةُ ال
يَتامى ومن تأوي اليه العَباهِلُ
3. The flogger of Quraysh, the brave one, to whom
The tribes of Qahtan submitted eagerly
٣. قَريعُ قُرَيشٍ وَالهُمامُ الَّذي لَهُ
أَقَرَّت بَنو قَحطانَ طُرّاً وَوائِلُ
4. And Qais son of Aylan, and Khindif - all of them
Submitted, and so did the Jinn of the land willingly
٤. وَقيسُ بنُ عَيلانَ وَخِندفُ كُلُّها
أَقَرَّت وَجِنُّ الأَرضِ طُرّاً وَخابِلُ
5. O son of Marwan, your hand kills the enemies
And in your other hand lies salvation and hopes
٥. يَداكَ ابنَ مَروان يَدٌ تَقتُلُ العِدا
وَفي يَدِكَ الأُخرى غياثٌ وَنائِلُ
6. Whenever you shower us from your clouds one day
We are quenched by what poured down on us from the droplets
٦. إِذا أَمطَرتَنا منكَ يَوماً سَحابَةٌ
رُوَينا بِما جادَت عَلَينا الأَنامِلُ
7. You have always been, O Bishr son of Marwan, a master
Whose abundant rain pours down on us
٧. فَلا زِلتَ يا بشرَ بنَ مَروانَ سَيِّداً
يَهُلُّ عَلَينا مِنكَ طَلٌّ وَوابِلُ
8. You are the pure one, O son of Marwan, the one to whom
The tribes have flocked with gifts
٨. فَأَنتَ المُصَفّى يابنَ مَروانَ وَالَّذي
تَوافَت اليه بِالعَطاءِ القَبائِلُ
9. They hope for the grace of God through your prayers
When you gather together with the pilgrims at the camps
٩. يُرَجُّونَ فَضلَ اللَهِ عند دُعائِكم
إِذا جمعتكم وَالحَجيجَ المنازِلُ
10. And were it not for the clan of Marwan, our minds would be lost
And we would be moths burned by the flames
١٠. وَلَولا بَنو مَروانَ طاشَت حُلومُنا
وَكُنّا فَراشاً أَحرَقَتها الشَعائِلُ