1. A hasty people threaten me, yet I have not been empty of that I am
A bride for haste, and for it the Cross is a husband
١. تُهَدِّدُني عِجلٌ وَما خِلتُ أَنَّني
خَلاةٌ لِعجلٍ وَالصَليبُ لَها بَعلُ
2. I have not been emptied while time has within it wonders
I live until haste itself threatens me
٢. وَما خِلتُني وَالدَهرُ فيهِ عَجائِبٌ
أُعَمَّرُ حَتّى قَد تُهَدِّدُني عِجلُ
3. And a rabble among them threatens me with death
Yet for them in glory there is neither branch nor origin
٣. وَتُوعدُني بِالقَتل منهم عِصابَةٌ
وَلَيسَ لَهُم في العِزِّ فَرعٌ وَلا أَصلُ
4. And black is haste in prosperity, foxes
When the heroes meet and the nobles differ
٤. وَعِجلٌ أَسوَدٌ في الرَخاءِ ثَعالِبُ
إِذا التقتِ الأَبطالُ واختلفَ النَبلُ
5. So if we meet haste there, for us, and for them
From death is there no refuge, no way to evade
٥. فان تَلقَنا عِجلٌ هناكَ فَما لَنا
وَلا لهمُ مِ المَوتِ منجىً وَلا وَعلُ