
Do you not see how generosity has sent forth and chosen

ألم تر أن الجود أرسل فانتقى

1. Do you not see how generosity has sent forth and chosen
A friend of purity and recited that which does not abandon him

١. أَلَم تَرَ أَنَّ الجودَ أَرسَلَ فاِنتَقى
حَليفَ صَفاءٍ وَأَتلى لا يُزايلُه

2. He preferred the names of Ibn Hisham so his oaths were clothed
With the actions of the Most High, his right hand and left

٢. تَخَيَّرَ أَسماءَ بنَ حِصنٍ فَبُطِّنَت
بِفِعلِ العُلى أَيمانُه وَشَمائِلُه

3. And no glory except the glory of Asmaa if it flows
And nothing flows except the bounty of Asmaa its superior

٣. وَلا مَجدَ إِلّا مَجدُ أَسماءَ لَو جَرى
وَلا جَرى إِلّا جَريُ أَسماءَ فاضِلُه

4. And bearing resentment towards Asmaa if it flows
With two registers from Asmaa so its trails overflow

٤. وَمُحتَمَلٍ ضِغناً لأَسماءَ لَو جَرى
بسَجلَينِ مِن أَسماءَ فارَت أَباجِلُه

5. The howler arouses the wailing women but rather
With his fangs the deaf lip and the arguing

٥. عَوى يَستَجيشُ النابِحاتِ وَإِنَّما
بِأَنيابِه صُمُّ الصَفا وَجنادِلُه

6. And his endeavor falls shorter than the orbit of Asmaa
Wretched as the motes find from dust its sifter

٦. وَأَقصَرَ مِن مَجراةِ أَسماء سَعيُهُ
حَسيراً كَما يَلقى مِن التُربِ ناخِلُه

7. And Asmaa son of Hisham preferred over them
The generosity of Asmaa son of Hisham and its attainments

٧. وَفَضَّلَ أَسماء بنَ حِصنٍ عليهم
سَماحَةُ أَسماءَ بن حصنٍ وَنائِلُه

8. So who is like Asmaa son of Hisham when
His youthful sprigs, or what thing equals him?

٨. فَمَن مِثلُ أَسماءَ بن حِصنٍ إِذا غَدَت
شآبيبُه أَم أَيُّ شَيءٍ يُعادِلُه

9. And I was, whenever I met a mean person from them
I met Abu Hassaan, his nobilities glistening

٩. وَكُنتُ إِذا لاقيتُ منهم حَطيطةً
لَقيتُ أَبا حَسّانَ تَندى أَصائِلُه

10. Ghassan entertains him hoping for his release
And the Yemeni Ahbasho his confidant and ally

١٠. تَضيَّفُه غَسّانُ يَرجون سَيبَهُ
وَذو يَمَنٍ أَحبوشُهُ وَمَقاوِلُه

11. A knight, time does not cease to be fertile whilst he lives
And if he were with barrenness, his paths would be desolate

١١. فَتىً لا يَزالُ الدَهرَ ما عاشَ مُخصِباً
وَلَو كانَ بالموماةِ تَخدي رَواحِلُه

12. So I found what is on earth of creatures I knew
Amongst people, none but the vendor of Asmaa his assets

١٢. فَأَصبَحَ ما في الأَرضِ خَلقٌ عَلِمتُهُ
مِن الناسِ إِلّا باعُ أَسماءَ طائِلُه

13. You see him when you come to him wavering
As if you give him that which you are asking of him

١٣. تَراهُ إِذا ما جِئتَهُ متَهَلِّلاً
كَأَنَّكَ تُعطيهِ الَّذي أَنتَ سائِلُه

14. And if he had nothing in his palm but his soul
He would give it, so let his asker beware of God

١٤. وَلَو لَم يَكُن في كَفِّهِ غَيرُ رَوحِهِ
لَجادَ بِها فليتَّقِ اللَهَ سائِلُه

15. You see the soldiers and bedouins crowding his door
As the she-camels streamed to the water their calves

١٥. تَرى الجُندَ وَالأَعرابَ يَغشَونَ بابَهُ
كَما وَردت ماءَ الكُلابِ نَواهِلُه

16. When they come to his doors he says welcome
Crowd the door even if hunger kills its killer

١٦. إِذا ما أَتوا أَبوابَهُ قالَ مَرحَباً
لِجوا البابَ حَتّى يَقتُلَ الجوعَ قاتِلُه

17. You see the unlucky, crippled above his bowls
His limbs severed and joints

١٧. تَرى البازلَ البُختيَّ فَوقَ خِوانِه
مقطَّعةً أَعضاؤُهُ وَمَفاصِلُه

18. When they come to Asmaa it is he who
His palms drip with bounty and fingers

١٨. إِذا ما أَتوا أَسماءَ كانَ هُوَ الَّذي
تَحلِّبُ كفاهُ النَدى وَأَنامِلُه

19. You see them numerous when crowding his door
So his walls and dwellings shelter them

١٩. تَراهُم كَثيراً حينَ يَغشَونَ بابَهُ
فتسترهم جُدرانُه وَمنازِلُه