1. Were it not for the Caliph Musa after his father
The people would not have had a successor as their guide
١. لَولا الخَليفَةُ موسى بَعدَ والِدِهِ
ما كانَ لِلنّاسِ مِن مَهدِيِّهِم خَلَفُ
2. Do you not see the nation of the Unlettered coming
As though they draw from the sides of the sea
٢. أَلا تَرى أُمَّةَ الأُمِّيِّ وارِدَةً
كَأَنَّها مِن نَواحي البَحرِ تَغتَرِفُ
3. From the ease of a king whose gifts are all-encompassing
As though his gifts from his generosity are lavish
٣. مِن راحَتَي مَلِكٍ قَد عَمَّ نائِلُهُ
كَأَنَّ نائِلَهُ مِن جودِهِ سَرِفُ