
Tell the dwellings in the yellow sand dunes

قل للمنازل بالكثيب الأعفر

1. Tell the dwellings in the yellow sand dunes
I watered the passing rain clouds

١. قُل لِلمَنازِلِ بِالكَثيبِ الأَعفَرِ
أُسقيتِ غادِيَةَ السَحابِ المُمطِرِ

2. God has guided the Caliph when he built
The house of the Caliph for the most eloquent orator

٢. قَد وَفَّقَ اللَهُ الخَليفَةَ إِذ بَنى
بَيتَ الخَليفَةِ لِلهِجانِ الأَزهَرِ

3. He is the Caliph representing his father and grandfather
They testified for him openly and secretly

٣. فَهُوَ الخَليفَةُ عَن أَبيهِ وَجَدِّهِ
شَهِدا عَلَيهِ بِمَنظَرٍ وَبِمَخبَرِ

4. The two authorities have pledged allegiance in Mahdi the rightly guided
To Muhammad the son of Zubaydah the daughter of Ja'far

٤. قَد بايَعَ الثَقلانِ في مَهدي الهُدى
لِمُحَمَّدِ بنِ زُبَيدَةَ اِبنَةِ جَعفَرِ

5. He assumed responsibility over the affairs of the people
So it stamped the head of evil with good

٥. وَلَّيتَهُ عَهدَ الأَنامِ وَأَمرَهُم
فَدَمَغَتَ بِالمَعروفِ رَأسَ المُنكَرِ