1. How could you fear misery in a land
Surrounded by skilled warriors and oceans,
١. وَكَيفَ تَخافُ مِن بُؤسٍ بِدارٍ
تَكَنَّفَها البَرامِكَةُ البُحورُ
2. And a people led by Al-Fadl bin Yahya-
A band unmatched by any other band.
٢. وَقَومٌ مِنهُمُ الفَضلُ بنُ يَحيى
نَفيرٌ ما يُوازِنُهُ نَفيرُ
3. They have two days: a day of prosperity and a day of valor,
As if fate itself were captive between them.
٣. لَهُ يَومانِ يَومُ نَدىً وَبَأسٍ
كَأَنَّ الدَهرَ بَينَهُما أَسيرُ
4. When the Berber starts a raid with ten warriors,
His ambition makes him vizier or prince.
٤. إِذا ما البَرمَكِيُّ غَدا اِبنَ عَشرٍ
فَهِمَّتُهُ وَزيرٌ أَو أَميرُ