
From a quarter are you seeking news

أمن ربع تسائله

1. From a quarter are you seeking news
Though its dwellings have become desolate?

١. أَمِن رَبعٍ تُسائِلُهُ
وَقَد أَقوَت مَنازِلُهُ

2. In my heart is love for the ruins
A love nothing can displace

٢. بِقَلبي مِن هَوى الأَطلا
لِ حُبٌّ ما يُزايِلُهُ

3. Desist from this preoccupation
For love is he who slays it

٣. رُوَيدُكُمُ عَن المَشغو
فِ إِنَّ الحُبَّ قاتِلُهُ

4. Sparrows flutter in his breast
While his beloved is asleep

٤. بَلابِلُ صَدرِهِ تَسري
وَقَد نامَت عَواذِلُهُ

5. Most deserving of reverence
Is he whose merits one hopes to gain

٥. أَحَقُّ الناسَ بِالتَفضي
لِ مَن تُرجى فَواضِلُهُ

6. I have seen the noblest virtues
That which its vessels contain

٦. رَأَيتُ مَكارِمَ الأَخلا
قِ ما ضَمَّت حَمائِلُهُ

7. I see no man among people
Unless merit makes him excel

٧. فَلَستُ أَرى فَتىً في النا
سِ إِلّا الفَضلُ فاضِلُهُ

8. His tongue speaks only good
And his hands quickly fulfill

٨. يَقولُ لِسانُهُ خَيراً
فَتَفعَلُهُ أَنامِلُهُ

9. Whatever good is hoped for
It is merit that undertakes it

٩. وَمَهما يُرجَ مِن خَيرٍ
فَإِنَّ الفَضلَ فاعِلُهُ