
Harun pledged allegiance to the leader of guidance

بايع هارون إمام الهدى

1. Harun pledged allegiance to the leader of guidance
To the one of proof and virtuous character

١. بايَعَ هارونُ إِمامُ الهُدى
لِذي الحِجى وَالخُلُقِ الفاضِلِ

2. The one who brings together his wealth
And guarantees the burdens of the burdened

٢. المُخلِفُ المُتلِفِ أَموالَهُ
وَالضامِنِ الأَثقالِ لِلحامِلِ

3. The scholar of refined knowledge
The just and equitable ruler

٣. وَالعالَمِ الناقِدِ في عِلمِهِ
وَالحاكِمِ الفاضِلِ وَالعادِلِ

4. The pure and pious adherent to the path of guidance
The truthful speaker and doer

٤. وَالراتِقِ الفاتِقِ حِلفَ الهُدى
وَالقائِلِ الصادِقِ وَالفاعِلِ

5. For the best of Abbas when they are brought together
And the one who prefers excellence to his family

٥. لِخَيرِ عَبّاسٍ إِذا حُصِّلوا
وَالمُفضِلِ المَجدِيِّ عَلى العائِلِ

6. Be most dutiful to them and give them
Precedence in customary law when misfortune occurs

٦. أَبِرِّهُم بِراً وَأَولاهُمُ
بِالعُرفِ عِندَ الحَدَثِ النازِلِ

7. To the one resembling Mansur in his kingdom
When the darkness of falsehood becomes dense

٧. لِمُشبِهِ المَنصورِ في مُلكِهِ
إِذا تَدَجَّت ظُلمَةُ الباطِلِ

8. So the light of guidance was completed with al-Ma'mun
And ignorance was uncovered from the ignorant

٨. فَتَمَّ بِالمَأمونِ نورُ الهُدى
وَاِنكَشَفَ الجَهلُ عَنِ الجاهِلِ