1. My eyes overflow with tears
And I mourn those struck by the blows of fate
١. عَينِ جودي بِعَبرَه تَهتانِ
وَاندُبي مَن أَصابَ ريبُ الزَمانِ
2. When you weep for noble men
Over Malik Abu Ghassan
٢. وَإِذا ما بَكَيتِ قَوماً كَراماً
فَعَلى مالِكٍ أَبي غَسّانِ
3. Where is Ma'n Abu al-Walid and where is he who
Was salvation for the bewildered lost
٣. أَينَ مَعنٌ أَبو الوليدَ وَمَن كا
نَ غِياثاً لِلهالِكِ الحَيرانِ
4. Death came upon him not slackening the knot
Of love or breaking a sworn covenant
٤. طَرَقَتهُ المَنونُ لا واهِيَ الحَب
لِ وَلا عاقِداً بِحِلفٍ يَمانِ
5. And Shihab - where is the like of Shihab
In generosity when the lances pierced?
٥. وَشِهابٌ وَأَينَ مِثلٌ شَهابٍ
عِندَ بَذلِ النَدى وَحَرِّ الطِعانِ
6. Many a rent was disgraced from Bani Qais
And many a rent was disgraced from Shayban
٦. رُبَّ خَرقٍ رُزِئتُهُ مِن بَني قَي
سٍ وَخَرقٍ رُزِئتُ مِن شَيبانِ
7. The passage of days - what have they wrapped
In their scrolls of linen?
٧. دَرَّ دَرُّ الأَيّامِ ماذا أَجَنَّت
مِنهُمُ في لَفائِفِ الكَتّانِ
8. That was Ma'n buried hostage in Bustan
And Shihab buried in the land of Oman
٨. ذاكَ مَعنٌ ثَوى بِبُستَ رَهيناً
وَشِهابٌ ثَوى بِأَرضِ عُمانِ
9. And they were not for holding back bounty
Or restraining themselves from peers
٩. وَهُما ما هُما لِبَذلِ العَطايا
وَلِلفِ الأَقرانِ بِالأَقرانِ
10. Preceding death with thrust and blow
And freeing every fetter and halter
١٠. يَسبِقانِ المَنونَ طَعناً وَضَرباً
وَيَفُكّانِ كُلَّ كَبلٍ وَعانِ