
And where is he who restored Islam when it faltered,

وأين من جبر الإسلام يوم وهي

1. And where is he who restored Islam when it faltered,
And saved the people from the darkness of ignorance?

١. وَأَينَ مَن جَبَرَ الإِسلامَ يَومَ وَهِيَ
وَاِستَنقَذَ الناسُ مِن عَمياءَ صَيخودِ

2. The Quraysh said at the dawn of his kingdom rising,
"O son of Rabia, surrender the keys!"

٢. قالَت قُرَيشٌ غَداةُ اِنهاضَ مُلكُهُمُ
يا اِبنَ الرَبيعِ وَأَعطَوا بِالمَقاليدِ

3. So he took charge of the matter, resolute and alone,
Unwavering in purpose, slayer of warriors.

٣. فَقامَ بِالأَمرِ مِئناسٌ بِوَحدَتِهِ
ماضي العَزيمَةِ ضَرّابُ القَماحيدِ

4. When matters grow too narrow for their channels,
The hand of excellence frees each knot.

٤. إِنَّ الأُمورَ إِذا ضاقَت مَسالِكُها
حَلَّت يَدُ الفَضلِ مِنها كُلَّ مَعقودِ

5. Verily, Rabia and excellence built
An abode of glory upon Al-Abbas outstretched.

٥. إِنَّ الرَبيعَ وَإِنَّ الفَضلَ قَد بَنَيا
رِواقَ مَجدٍ عَلى العَبّاسِ مَمدودٌ