
Tell the youths in full

أبلغ الفتيان مألكة

1. Tell the youths in full
That the best affection is that which benefits

١. أَبلِغِ الفِتيانَ مَألُكَةً
أَنَّ خَيرَ الوُدِّ ما نَفَعا

2. Verily an old man of the Bani Matar
His gathered hands destroyed what they amassed

٢. إِنَّ قَرماً مِن بَني مَطَرٍ
أَتلَفَت كَفّاهُ ما جَمَعا

3. Whenever we returned to gain him over
He turned away in his kindness completely stiff

٣. كُلَّما عُدنا لِنائلِهِ
عادَ في مَعروفِهِ جَذَعا