
With the death of the Commander of the Faithful Muhammad

بموت أمير المؤمنين محمد

1. With the death of the Commander of the Faithful Muhammad
Death was adorned and the graves were disturbed for him

١. بموتِ أمير المؤمنين محمدٌ
زها الموت واختالَت عليه المقابر

2. I saw death boasting of his death
As if death was seeking someone to boast about

٢. رأيت المنايا يفتَخِرنَ بموته
كأنّ المنايا تبتغي من تُفاخِر

3. If the days cried for a deceased, they would cry for him
Their past events and pressing calamities

٣. فلو بكت الأيّام ميتاً بكَت له
سوالفُها والباقيات الغوابِر

4. And people are only destined for death
Every person has what he fears from his day

٤. وما الناسُ إلا للفناء مصيرهُم
لكلّ امرىءٍ من يومه ما يحاذِرُ