1. O You who when time stumbles sets it upright
With resolve, and whose hopes outpace his arrows
١. يا مَن إِذا عَثَرَ الزَمان أَقالَهُ
عَزماً وَيسبق سيبُهُ الآمالا
2. Your justice blankets all of creation
And sufficed it straits and tribulations
٢. عَمت عَدالتك البَرية كُلَها
وَكَفَيتُها الأَوصاب وَالأَهوالا
3. Were it not for you, O soul of the age and its folk
We would not praise the dawns and the evenings
٣. لَولاكِ يا روح الزَمان وَأَهلُهُ
لَم نَحمد الأَسحار وَالآصالا
4. All praise belongs to God for the Imam who stands
With justice, erasing misguidance with guidance
٤. لِلّهِ دُرك مِن إِمام قائمِ
بِالقسط يَمحو بِالرَشاد ضَلالا
5. If not for the copiousness of his knowledge
The poets would not extol his glory with veneration
٥. لَولا غَزارة عِلمِهِ لَم تَسطَع
الشَعراءُ مَدح جَنابِهِ إِجلالا