
Where does the flowering branch rest, where does the sun set upon it?

أترى أين حل أم أين أمسى

1. Where does the flowering branch rest, where does the sun set upon it?
If only my hand could write the verses to describe it

١. أَتَرى أَين حَلَّ أَم أَينَ أَمسى
غُصن بِانٍ يَقلّ أَعلاهُ شَمسا

2. A longing soul sees the ruins and wilderness that remains
After the landmark was erased and the pact was broken

٢. لَيتَ أَني وَقَد تَرحل بِيد
كُن أَمساً لِأَسطُر العَيس طُرسا

3. Separation cleaved it then a heart that was rock
Returned through passion low and vile

٣. لَهف شاك يَرى المَعاهد ضَما
بَعدَ ما شَطَ وَالمَعالم خَرسا

4. Its tears exposed it while the last pearl fell
From his cheek almost forgotten in slumber

٤. صَدع البين مِنهُ ثُمَّ فُؤاداً
كانَ صَخراً فَعادَ بِالوَجد خَنسا

5. He nearly forgets the beauty of Damascus
When its mixture separated from him

٥. فَضحتهُ دُموعَهُ مِثلَما
نَمَّ عَلى الخود فَآخر الحُلي جَرسا

6. He wishes he could envision it and if not for
Affliction grazing his sight he would not have attained it at all

٦. كادَ يَنسى مَحاسن الشام لَما
بانَ عَنهُ خَليطُهُ كادَ يُنسى

7. Raising the ignorant and foolish beyond measure
Acting arbitrarily and boastful in deeds and self

٧. يَتَمَنى زور الخَيال وَلَولا
مَس مِنهُ الكَرى النَواظر لَمسا

8. Graceful, he leans toward you but his heart is stone
Nay, it is harder than stone

٨. شادن أَظلَم الخَلائق الحا
ظا وَأَمضى فعلاً وَأَكبَر نَفسا

9. The days have taught him the ways of evasion
And the nights have imbued cunning and fraudulence in him

٩. بانة يَنثَني إِلَيكَ وَلَكن
قَلبَهُ الصَخر بَل مِن الصَخر أَقسى

10. I repeat his memory and if not for it
My pillow would not have gained soft silk

١٠. عَلمتهُ الأَيام طَرق التَجني
وَاللَيالي أَقرأنهُ الصَد دَرسا

11. Beauty flourished in the garden of his cheek, roses
Wilting, shedding their color, their petals fading

١١. رَددت ذِكرَهُ الحِسان فَلولا
ه لَما أَحرَزت مَراشف لَعسا

12. How often with deceits have I watered it
Thrice one day, five times the next

١٢. أَطلَع الحُسن في حَديقة خَدي
هِ وَروداً اترُكنَ لَونيَ وَرَسا

13. I stir the wine in discourse but there is no
Profound meaning sensed in that discourse

١٣. طالَما بِت بِالخَدايع أَسقي
هِ ثَلاثاً حيناً وَاِشرَب خَمسا

14. I know not whether it is the essence of his cheek
Or just the spices in the wine I taste

١٤. فَزج الكاس بِالحَديث وَما ال
طف ذاكَ الحَديث مَعنى وَحَسا

15. When my eyelashes perceived his cheek, was it
That my heart pitied him or grieved over him

١٥. لَستُ أَدري أَمن عصارة خَدي
هِ أَم الراح صَفو ما اِنتَحا

16. And I lost all aid in passion, if you likened
This dear one to anyone of his ilk and nature

١٦. لا رَأَت مُقلَتي مَحياهُ إِن كا
ن فُوادي يَسلوه أَو يَتأسا

17. The intuitive one almost guesses what
The days may bring in intuition and perception

١٧. وَعَدمت النَصير في الوَجد إِن رُم
تُ لِهَذا العَزيز شَبهاً وَجِنسا

18. It is Mohammad Al-Nadim whom I mean
Surpassing in sagacity and supreme in eloquence

١٨. المَعي يَكاد يخبر عَما
في غَدٍ لِلملا ذَكاءً وَحَدسا

19. The most generous of people in nature and giving
And in defying the times mighty and bold

١٩. هَوَ أَعَني مُحَمَد النَدب مَن فا
ق أَياساً وَفي الفَصاحة قَسا

20. His ring stamped high distinction and he was first
To glory so the seal-ring and yesterday became one

٢٠. أَكرَم الناس شَيمَةً وَعَطاءً
وَمُعير الزَمان عَزماً وَبَأسا

21. He brought honor perfectly ripened from the branches
Of greatness too lofty for anyone to touch

٢١. فَض خَتم العُلا وَبكر لِلمَج
د فَأَضحى الهمام خَتماً وَأَمسا

22. Of finer manners than a garden, more beautiful than
Splendor and most friendly and companionable

٢٢. وَجَنى العز يانِعاً مِن غُصون
لِلمَعالي تَجل عَن ان تَمسا

23. His high principles spread as he roamed proud
Exuding fragrance, prestigious, his origins most fragrant

٢٣. أَدَباً رائِقاً أَغض مِن الرَو
ض وَأَبهى حُسناً وَأَكثَر أُنسا

24. Visit him to see the brightest full moons
Depicting a soul of the angels in holiness

٢٤. وَعلاً راقَ مشرعاً وَفَخاراً
فاحَ طيباً وَمُحتَداً طابَ غَرسا

25. Whenever we see him it is as if spring
In its bloom, and life itself is but a wedding

٢٥. زُرهُ تُبصر أَغر أَبلَج قَد صَو
ر روحاً مِن المَلائك قُدسا

26. O most honored of men in status, most chaste
In high principles, highest branch and noblest soul

٢٦. كُل آن نَراهُ فَصل رَبيع
في ذُراهُ وَمدَّة العُمر عُرسا

27. Would that good fortune let you drink from the pure
Wine its draught after serving me from your cup

٢٧. يا أَعَز الأَنام جاهاً وَأَزكى
في المَعالي فرعاً وَأَكرَم نَفسا

28. All merit beside you is a cloak worn in falsehood
While from you doubt not the garb is donned

٢٨. لَيتَ حَظا سَقاكَ صافية الفَض
ل سَقاني مِن فَضل كاسك كاسا

29. And we see the merit in you, glory a heritage
Upon you dignity and precedence imposed and withheld

٢٩. كُل فَضل لَدى سِواك رِداءٌ
مُستَعار وَمِنكَ لا شَكَ يَكسا

30. The days wish if only I were a verse
And the nights if only I were sweet poetry describing you

٣٠. وَنَرى الفَضل فيكَ وَالمَجد إِرثاً
وَعَلَيك الوَقار وَقفاً وَحَبسا

31. You have with me rights and bonds
Remaining, and a blessing that shall not be forgotten

٣١. تَتَمنى الأَيام لَو كُنت طُرساً
وَاللَيالي لِوَصفك العَذب نَفسا

٣٢. لَكَ عِندي مِن الحُقوق عُهود
باقِيات وَنعمة لَيسَ تَنسا