
My masters, with my soul I ransom you both

يا سيدي بمهجتي أفديكما

1. My masters, with my soul I ransom you both,
Two moons, the orbits of highness reveal you,

١. يا سَيديَّ بِمُهجَتي أَفديكُما
قَمَرَين أَفلاكُ العُلا تُبديكُما

2. Without any command our lives revived,
Since our club is none but your club.

٢. مِن غَير أَمر شَرَفا أَحياءُنا
إِذ لَيسَ نادينا سِوى ناديكُما

3. How many delegations have you hosted and
Their hopes withered when your hands rained,

٣. كَم مِن وُفود يَممتهُ فَاعشبَت
آمالَها إِذ أَمطَرَت أَيديكُما

4. If I do not find pearls except those strewn
On your path, so my poems I gift you.

٤. إِن لَم أَجِد دُرَرً إِلا نَثرَها عَلى
ممشاكُما فَقَصائِدي أَهديكُما

5. And you both remained my two sweet basils in an orchard
That is a plant of glory which came from your grandfather.

٥. وَبَقيتُما رَيحانَتين بِرَوضَةٍ
هِيَ غَرس مَجدٍ جاءَ مِن جديكُما