
The days have been kind through the prince, and the eyes of his people are delighted by his dignified countenance. He has mastered wisdom and nobility to the extent that the virtuous desire to see him even in their sleep. He spent his life acquiring the most noble traits. May God make our day before his.

حسن الدهر بالأمير وقرت

1. The days have been kind through the prince, and the eyes of his people are delighted by his dignified countenance. He has mastered wisdom and nobility to the extent that the virtuous desire to see him even in their sleep. He spent his life acquiring the most noble traits. May God make our day before his.

١. حسن الدَهر بِالأَمير وَقَرَّت
بِمَحيا عُلاهُ أَعيُن قَومِهِ

٢. أَلف الحلم وَالمَكارم حَتّى
يَشتَهي أَن يَرى العُفاة بِنَومِهِ

٣. صَرف العُمر في اِكتِساب المَعالي
جَعل اللَه يَومِنا قَبل يَومِهِ