1. Fawad's youth did not return to him out of caution
And he found peace amongst his ribs
١. فواد صَبا لَم يَرجعنَهُ حذارُ
وَوَجد لَهُ بَينَ الضُلوع قَرارُ
2. And yearning lay in ambush in his soul
Those who went far cried in the pain of separation
٢. وَشَوق كَمين في الجَوانح هاجهُ
بَعيدَ التَنائي الظاعِنون وَساروا
3. Our bodies are separated in the pacts
And my patience races them while my heart burns
٣. تَناءوا وَجِسمي في المَعاهد قاطِنٌ
وَصَبريَ يَحدوهُم وَقَلبِيَ جار
4. And a night we walked in, while the heart remembers
The days of intimacy and abundant tears
٤. وَلَيلٌ سَرَينا فيهِ وَالقَلب ذاكِرٌ
زَمان التَداني وَالدُموع غزار
5. We cried until we bloodied our cheeks from ardour
And their springs surpassed them into seas
٥. بَكَينا فَأَدمَينا المَحاجر حُرقَةً
وَفاضَت عُيون دونَهنّ بِحار
6. And we almost perished from longing in desolation
As sorrows and fire tended its wounds
٦. وَكِدنا مِن الأَشواق نَقضي وَفي الحَشا
جِراح تَحامتها الأَساة وَنار
7. But we pretended for the sake of one whose presence
Radiated, without his bright face, no light shines
٧. وَلَكن تَعللنا بِمَوعد مَن بَدا
وَدون مَحياهُ المُنير نَهار
8. We walked the delegations of night graying
And the time of our union and tomb came
٨. سَرَينا وُفود اللَيل بِالشُهب شائب
وَقَد حانَ وَصل بَينَنا وَمَزار
9. And when we reached the homes in the evening
And dwelling grew beautiful after estrangement
٩. وَلَما وَصَلنا لِلدِيار عَشيَةً
وَطابَ لَنا بَعد البعاد جِوار
10. We kissed the threshold in greeting
And our dignity thereat did advance
١٠. لَثمنا بِها الأَعتاب نُبدي تَحيةً
وَقَد زادَ مِنا عِندَ ذاكَ وَقار
11. And I lined my eyelids with the dust of its soil
And so I was cured - Does dust heal the eyes?
١١. وَكَحلت أَجفاني بِأَثمَد تَربها
فَصحت وَهَل يَشفي العُيون غُبار
12. Good tidings my heart! My wishes flowed
With union, and cups of blame passed
١٢. لِبُشراك يا قَلبي لَقَد جادَ مَنيَتي
بِوَصل وَأَقداح العِتاب تُدار
13. And I fell silent with a vow for his nearness
So he captivated me with his glances of pleasure
١٣. وَعَمَن سِواه صَمت نذراً لِقُربِهِ
فَفَطَرني مِن مُقلَتيهِ عذار
14. So excellent is the darkness without a third party!
And oh would that a full moon rises and a house shelters!
١٤. فَنعم ظَلام لَم يَكُن فيهِ ثالث
وَيا حَبَذا بَدرٌ أَضاءَ وَدار
15. We delighted therein and love subdued while our days
Stripped it of intense rage and wine
١٥. نَعمنا بِها وَالحُب دان وَدَهرُنا
عَراهُ مِن الغَيظ الشَديد خمار
16. We overpowered it and stabbed fate
And its supporters across time scattered
١٦. قَهَرناهُ دَهراً وَاِنتَضَينا صَفائِحاً
عَلَيهِ وَأَنصار الزَمان كِثار
17. So it surrendered willingly and dropped its weapon
To us voluntarily while the valiant are assisted
١٧. فَدانَ لَنا طَوعاً وَأَلقى سِلاحَهُ
إِلَينا اِختِياراً وَالشُجاع يُجار
18. And were it not for the youth from an intense glorious line
No star would have glittered in a corner of the sky
١٨. وَلَولا ظِباء مِن أَغر ممجد
لَما لاحَ في قَطر السَماءِ منار
19. And were it not for his capacity against enemies and his might
No dust would have sailed in the air of wars
١٩. وَلَولا سَطاهُ في الأَعادي وَبأسَهُ
لَما سارَ في جَوّ الحُروب غُبار
20. And were it not for his help when a hopeful despairs
No prosperity would have spread across all worlds
٢٠. وَلَولا نَداهُ إِذ يُؤَمل آملٌ
لَما عَمَّ كُل العالَمينَ يسار
21. A generous one who has gifts every day
So there is no escape for one seeking his protection
٢١. جَواد لَهُ في كُل يَوم مَواهِبٌ
فَلَيسَ لراجٍ عَن حِماهُ فَرار
22. Call his dwelling the abode of all glory and good fortune
For beyond him no house looks nor dwellings
٢٢. فَناديهِ مَأوى كُل مَجد وَسُؤدُدٍ
فَما بَعدَهُ بَيتٌ يَرى وَدِيار
23. He is Al-Qasim who makes ages seem short if he appears
For beside him the ages of calamities seem fleeting
٢٣. هُوَ القاسم الأَعمار إِن جَلَّ فاذح
لَدَيهِ فَأَعمار الخُطوب قِصار
24. He rages with brown swords that seem
As if sparks flew from them and death took off
٢٤. يَصول وَفي أَيديهِ سُمرٌ كَأَنَّها
لَظى طارَ مِنها المَنون شَرار
25. When he surged into the battle plain empty of men
Minds there bewildered as he glittered
٢٥. إِذا جالَ في المَيدان خلت غَضَنفَراً
عَلى أَجدل فيهِ العُقول تحار
26. He has ears that when a shouter cries
Yearn for a moment stripped of shame
٢٦. لَهُ إِذناً سَمع إِذا صاحَ صائِحٌ
تَشوق لِأَوانٍ عَراهُ نَفارُ
27. The wind races him so he surpasses it
And rage overtakes it for that humiliation
٢٧. تُسابقهُ ريح الصِبا فَيَفوتها
فَيلحقها غَيظ لِذاكَ وَعارُ
28. Disdainful, he accepts no deeds that shape
His extremities unless vigour refines them
٢٨. أَبيٌّ فَلا يَرضى فعالاً يَصوغَها
لِأَطرافِهِ إِلّا وَهنَّ نضارُ
29. They appeared like new moons when the crescents rose
Glittering, and the steeds' jewelry seemed bracelets
٢٩. تَبَدَت كَأَشباهُ الأَهلة إِذ غَدَت
وَلاحَت وَمِن حُلي الجِياد سِوارُ
30. Bright of face, his shyness sets out, modesty
Stamped on his heated brow glistening
٣٠. طَليق المَحيا مُستَهلٌّ حَياؤُهُ
بِبَشر عَلى حَرّ الجَبين يُمارُ
31. And if the sea were given his attainment
There would be no beaches and deserts in the world
٣١. وَلَو كانَ لِلبَحر الخِضَمّ نَوالَهُ
لَما كانَ في الدُنيا فَلاً وَقَفار
32. So O knight of passions! May you forever be honoured
As skill leads you the ages long
٣٢. فَيا فارس الهَيجاءِ دُمتَ مُكرَماً
تقاد لَهُ طول الزَمان مهارُ
33. And may you live delighted while your shining sight remains
Whether a full moon rose or Sirius glittered
٣٣. وَعِشتَ قَرير العَين ماذر شارق
وَما لاحَ بَدرٌ أَو عَلاهُ سرارُ