
Poetry is a garden we have planted

كأن الشعر روض قد جنته

1. Poetry is a garden we have planted
Where the great minds run towards perfection

١. كَأَن الشعر رَوض قَد جَنَتهُ
فَهوم السابِقين إِلى الكَمالِ

2. And later some remnants are attained
Hidden beneath imagination's leaves

٢. وَأَدرك بَعدَهُم قَوم بَقايا
تَوارت تَحتَ أَوراق الخَيالِ

3. So when we stretch our thoughts
To grasp meanings, we cling to the impossible

٣. فَنَحنُ إِذا مَدَدنا لِلمَعاني
يَد الأَفكار تُعلق بِالمحالِ