
With your essence the elements rejoiced in existence

بذاتك طابت في الوجود العناصر

1. With your essence the elements rejoiced in existence
And eyes became content and secrets reassured

١. بِذاتِكَ طابَت في الوُجود العَناصِرُ
وَقَرَّت عُيون واِطمَأَنَت سَرائِرُ

2. And the easiest description of your beauty is an inkpot
That thoughts roam with and the onlooker grazes

٢. وَأَيسَر وَصف مِن جَميلك دَوحة
يَجول بِها فكر وَيَرتَع ناظِرُ

3. You have watered the gardens of gratitude with my exploits
From which flowers of praise bloom

٣. سَقَيت رِياض الشُكر مني مَآثِراً
تَفتح مِنها بِالثَناءِ أَزاهِرُ

4. I visit while my shadow is my only companion
Protecting me, so you bend me, and my family and tribe are around me

٤. أَزور وَظِلي لا سِواهُ مُصاحِبي
حماك فَتَثنيني وَحَولي عَشائِرُ

5. When I visit lighten your gifts, verily
Your abundant generosity weighs down my back

٥. إِذا زُرت خفف مِن عَطاياك إِنَّهُ
لِيثقل ظَهري جودِكَ المُتَكاثِرُ

6. And I am not one who refuses your companionship, but
The heavily laden traveler tires of clouds

٦. وَما أَنا مَن يَأبى نداك وَإِنَّما
يَملّ مِن السحب الثِقال المُسافِرُ

7. It suffices me pride that I take refuge in you
And it is enough pride that I am your poet

٧. كَفانيَ عزّاً إِنَّني بِكَ لائِذٌ
وَحَسبُكَ فَخراً إِنَّني لَكَ شاعِرُ