
We are the people in every house

إنما الناس نحن في كل دار

1. We are the people in every house
And we pretend while having no pretense

١. إِنَّما الناس نَحنُ في كُلِ دار
وَنُداري وَما بِنا مِن بِداري

2. If we wanted other than valor we would have ridden
Wherever we wished on the ferocious lions

٢. لَو أَرَدنا غَير الجِياد رَكِبنا
حَيثُ سِرنا عَلى الأُسود الضَواري

3. Except that days have warred against us
For our objection to the decrees of fate

٣. غَيرَ أَن الأَيّام قَد حارَبَتنا
لِاعتِراض مِنا عَلى الأَقدار

4. I was like the full moon when an eclipse afflicted it
And it escaped in the sky with scarcely any light

٤. كُنتُ كَالبَدر إِذ عَراهُ كُسوف
وَنَجا في السَما ضَئيل الدَراري

5. I was like the sun when clouds conceal it
So eyes refrain from looking

٥. كُنتُ كَالشَمس حينَ يَحجبها الغَي
م فَتَروي العُيون عَن أَبصار

6. I was like ambergris whose fragrance spread
Whenever it met fire in time

٦. كُنتُ كَالعَنبَر الَّذي فاحَ طيباً
حَيثُ يَلقى مِن الزَمان بِنار

7. I was like a gem preserved by the sea
Out of greed for it amidst the oceans

٧. كُنتُ كَالجَوهَر الَّذي صانَهُ الدَه
ر لِحرص عَلَيهِ وَسَط البِحار

8. I was like a garden when rains abandoned it
Due to good fortunes so my splendor thrived

٨. كُنتُ كَالرَوض إِذ جَفَتهُ غَيوث
لِحُظوظ فَأَخصَبَت أَشعاري

9. You were like a falcon when it turned away from hunting
Hopeless of aid from the most quick-flying of birds

٩. كُنتَ كَالصَقر إِذ لَوَتهُ عَن الصَي
د بِغاث مِن أَشأم الأَطيار

10. If glorious aid and support be present
The league of camps would have no helpers

١٠. إِن يَكُن عز مُسعف وَنَصير
ما لِحزب الأَحراب مِن أَنصار