
And from one clay all bodies were formed

ومن طينة كل الجسوم تكونت

1. And from one clay all bodies were formed
So this is known to the keen and the wise

١. وَمِن طينةٍ كُل الجُسوم تَكوَّنَت
فَيَعلَم هَذا حاذق وَخَبيرُ

2. From it came those that fouled and were soiled
And from it came those sanctified and pure

٢. فَمِنها ذَوات قَذّرت فَتدنست
وَمِنها ذَوات قَدست فَعَبير

3. And these days are but stages
With Paradise and Hellfire in the end

٣. وَما هَذِهِ الأَيّام إِلّا مَراحِلٌ
وَفي مُنتَهاها جَنة وَسَعير

4. If fates flow as they desire
Tell me what can I do and where can I go

٤. إِذا كانَت الأَقدار تَجري بِما تَشا
فَقُل ليَ ما صَنعي وَأَينَ أَسيرُ

5. But good faith calms my fears
And tells me the Generous One forgives

٥. وَلَكنَّ حُسن الظَنّ يُسكِن رَوعَتي
وَيُخبِرني إِنَّ الكَريم غَفورُ