
The dawn has come and the misfortunes have passed

وفد الصباح وزالت الأحلاك

1. The dawn has come and the misfortunes have passed
The planets have freed themselves from their ill omen

١. وَفد الصَباح وَزالَت الأَحلاكُ
وَتَنصَلَت مِن نحسها الأَفلاكُ

2. And the face of success smiles after its sullenness
Joyous and cheerful is its destiny, laughing

٢. وَاِنبُش وَجه النَجح بَعدَ عُبوسِهِ
فَرَحاً وَمُبتسم المُنى مضحاكُ

3. With the coming of a master, the least of what he contains
Is beyond reason and comprehension

٣. بِقُدوم مَولى بَعض أَيسَر ما حَوى
يَحتار فيهِ العَقل وَالإِدراكُ

4. And if he speaks addressing, his words
Are pearls, our minds are their string

٤. وَإِذا أَشارَ مُخاطِباً فَكَلامُهُ
دُرَرٌ لَها أَفهامنا أَسلاكُ

5. He is the light of faith shining for the seeing
And the darkness of the heart of his envious enemies, a pitfall

٥. هُو نُور إِيمان يَلوح لِمُبصر
وَظَلام قَلب حَسودِهِ أَشراكَ

6. His generosity from the sea of the earth is a drop
That suffices, so no favor and no withholding

٦. جود بِحار الأَرض مِنهُ قَطرَةٌ
تَكفي فَلا منٌّ وَلا إِمساكُ

7. And virtues that numbers have not counted
And the dust of his steeds' hooves comprehension cannot reach

٧. وَفضائل لَم يُحصِها عَدد وَلَم
يُدرك غُبار جِيادِها إِدراكُ

8. So look upon me with kindness, rather mercy
I hope for them, for perdition has touched me

٨. فَاِنظُر إِلَيَّ بِرَأفَة بَل رَحمة
أَنجوبها قَد مَسَني الأَهلاكُ

9. Time's betrayals have nearly undone me, and I have
A paltry portion, in it there is no liveliness

٩. قَد كادَني الزَمَن الخُؤُن وَإِن لي
حَظّاً كَسيحاً لَيسَ فيهِ حِراكُ

10. I am the falcon whose wing is broken
Maybe it will mend and freedom will find

١٠. إِني أَنا البازيُّ قَصَّ جَناحُهُ
فَعَسى يراش وَيَعتَريهِ فِكاكُ

11. I am the gold dirtied by muddy smears
Scouring will remove it and make it shine

١١. إِني أَنا الذَهب الذَّي قَد شابَهُ
كَدر الرغام يُزيلُهُ الحِكاكُ

12. I complain to you of comrades who have diminished
In their assumption my worth when they emulated

١٢. أَشكو إِلَيكَ مَعاشِراً قَد نَقَصوا
في زَعمهم قَدري إِذاً لِيحاكوا

13. A people, if you look closely at them, you will not find
Save scrawny necks carried by the spinners

١٣. قَوماً إِذا أَمعَنت فيهُم لَم تَجد
إِلّا الذُقون تَقلها الأَحناكُ

14. They planted for us the seeds of promises and around it
Pitfalls were set for us behind them

١٤. بَذَروا لَنا حُب الوُعود وَدونَهُ
نَصبت لَنا مِن خَلفِهم أَشراكُ

15. And they shared between themselves our endowments
As if they were altogether their possessions

١٥. وَتَوازَعوا ما بَينَهُم أَوقافنا
حَتّى كَأَن جَميعَها أَملاكُ

16. If they were to insult, I would insult their insults
With poems that bite sharp and deadly

١٦. لَو أَنَّهُم يَهجون كُنت هَجوَتِهم
بِقَصائد هِيَ صارم فَتّاكُ

17. The unbelievers would testify from their deeds
Confused and the pious would blaspheme

١٧. يَتَشهد الكُفار مِن أَفعالِهم
مُتَهولين وَتَفسق النساكُ

18. If not for providence and screening from them
The fish would have eaten our dark flesh

١٨. لَولا العِناية وَالتَحجُب عَنهُمُ
أَكَلت لُحوم جُسومِنا الأَسماكُ

19. There is none among them but a pretentious
Arrogant in himself, exalted lad

١٩. ما مِنهُم إِلّا فَتى مُتمشدق
مُتَعاظم في نَفسِهِ عُلاكُ

20. Who scorns with one of his hands a bribe
And rejoices with it and its sister the toothpick

٢٠. سَمج بِإِحدى راحَتَيهِ رَشوَةٌ
فَرح بِها وَبِأُختِها المِسواكُ

21. Oh refuge of his door and his honored side
Not bedouins, non-Arabs, and Turks

٢١. يا مَن يَلوذ بِبابِهِ وَجَنابِهِ ال
أَعراب وَالأَعجام وَالأَتراكُ

22. Rise and defend a stranger of superior merit in the sanctuary
Sucked by the cupper and the tailor

٢٢. قُم فَاِنتَصر لِغَريب فَضل في الحِمى
يُنتاشُهُ الحجام وَالحَياكُ

23. And greet the one bitter time comes to
The steps of your good fortune in the sky, like fish

٢٣. وَاسلم عَلى مَرّ الدُهور مُقبِلاً
أَقدام سَعدِكَ في السَماءِ سَماكُ